Frozen Dead Guy Days 2017

Friday, Mar 10, 2017 at 4:00 PM to Sunday, Mar 12, 2017 at 9:00 PM MST

Guercio Field, Nederland, CO, 80466, United States

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Sale ended

Coffin Racing / March 11th / 2pm Partial Approval - $75.00

A team of six pallbearers and one coffin rider (at least 75 pounds) race head to head with other coffins through a snow and ice course. You DO NOT need a paper ticket or confirmation. Your team names will be on a list when you check in at the event.

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Polar Plunge / March 11th / 1pm Partial Approval - $20.00

Stay Frozen my friends and walk the plank off the "Blue Pearl" into the salty dead sea below—in costume, of course. You DO NOT need to print out your confirmation. Your name will be on a list when you check in at the Polar Plunge site.

Sale ended

FDGD VIP Pass / March 10-12th Partial Approval - $150.00

Enjoy a bottomless cup for beer and spirits all weekend long, catered VIP lounge bus, Commemorative gift, pint glass, free entry into all paid events and a Blue Ball ticket! You DO NOT need to print out your confirmation/ticket. Please check in at the FDGD Headquarters at 151 East 1st St.

sales ended

BLUE BALL / March 10th / 4pm–1am Partial Approval - $20.00

Advance tickets come with one beer token. You do not need a paper ticket. Once you register here, your name(s) will be at the door.

Sale ended

Snowy Human Foosball / March 12th / 12–3pm Partial Approval - $30.00

Just like foosball but with real people! Ticket sales go to support Nederland nonprofits. You DO NOT need a paper ticket or confirmation for your team. Your name(s) will be on a list when you check in at the event.

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Friday, Mar 10, 2017 at 4:00 PM to Sunday, Mar 12, 2017 at 9:00 PM MST

Frozen Dead Guy Days, Guercio Field, Nederland, CO, 80466, United States.

MARCH 10–12 2017

Three frosty fun packed days with 3 super live music tents, craft beer, coffin racing, polar plunging, frozen t-shirt contest, frozen beard and brain freeze contests, icy turkey bowling & frozen salmon tossing and rocky mountain oyster eating. 

Taking place in the ever eclectic & totally unique mountain town of Nederland, Colorado

Looking for those ready to FREEZE THE DAY!

FDGD LLC presents the 16th annual FROZEN DEAD GUY DAYS March 10-12 2017

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