Giving Voice to the Authentic Migrant Experience

Round Table on Education

by Margaret Allan

Wednesday, Jul 5, 2017 at 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM EET

Amorfous Summer Camp-Workshop, Pireos 100, Gkazi, Athens, Keramikos, 11854, Greece

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Giving Voice to the Authentic Migrant Experience

Round Table on education

05 July 2017

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ROUND TABLE / 05 July 2017

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Wednesday, Jul 5, 2017 at 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM EET

Amorfous Summer Camp-Workshop, Pireos 100, Gkazi, Athens, Keramikos, 11854, Greece.

 Round Table description:

This round table discussion forum is an opportunity for participants from all sectors of Education, from NGOs, Local and National Government to contribute to the current debate around Education for Migration.


The presenter, Dr Margaret Allan from the University of the West of Scotland, will deliver the outcome of the Education strand of the Alien project: an Education module focussing on developing awareness and knowledge in the field of migration within Europe and ways in which the authentic migrant voice can be heard.


Participants will be encouraged to discuss and give feedback, in a plenary session, on both the aims and the intended learning outcomes of the module and to suggest contexts in which it could be delivered, and to whom.


The module has developed from the work of student participants of the Project and is aimed at learners from the School, College and University sectors across Europe.


It aims to:


1.raise awareness of the authentic migrant voice

2.encourage discussion and critical analysis of the migrant context as portrayed in the media

3.create avenues to enable the migrant voice to be heard, for example through testimonials and phenomenological activities such as learning through a guided walk


4.enable learners to develop and sustain knowledge acquired through interactive methodologies and pedagogy



Discussion Questions:


Among the questions participants will be asked to discuss are:


1.Are the aims and intended learning outcomes sustainable and viable across a variety of sectors and learning contexts?


2.Does the module promote learning through interactive methodology and pedagogy?


3.Can you suggest ways in which the module can be delivered effectively in your context?


Participant speakers to be announced soon.

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