HOSPITAL & HEALTH CARE Deaf Sensitivity Training (I Never Gave THAT a Thought!) LIVE, Interactive Webinar, Tuesday, July 25, 2023, 12PM-4PM Eastern Time

Tuesday, Jul 25, 2023 at 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT

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HOSPITALS & HEALTH CARE, LIVE INTERACTIVE DEAF SENSITIVITY LIVE TRAINING WEBINAR, Tuesday, July 25, 2023, 12:00 PM-4:00 PM, Eastern Time. Partial Approval - $135.00

This class context is exactly the same as our on-site (on location) classes.

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Tuesday, Jul 25, 2023 at 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT

The 4-hour deaf sensitivity training class, I Never Gave THAT a Thought! The date is  Tuesday, July 25, 2023, 12:00 PM-4:00 PM, Eastern Time. When you register for 15 or more people on the same reservation, a discount of 15% is offered. NOTE: if you have that number of people,  please call 661 347-0911 in L.A. or 929 282-0339 in NY City PRIOR TO reserving online and request our LARGE GROUP RATE. The 4-hour Deaf sensitivity class is POST certified in many states for law enforcement, including, but not limited to AZ, NV, MT, SC among others.

Tylin Promotions Worldwide

Tylin Promotions is a family-owned and operated organization that began nearly 40+ years ago and provided advertising, marketing & recruiting assistance to many types of clients. Over the years, Deaf sensitivity training came into the offerings after a great deal of study on the subject matter. It appears that the breadth and depth of the intense class offered is unduplicated in the United States. Tylin has been delivering this training nationally with outstanding reviews from attendees. The company's founder and instructor, Fred Greenspan, was selected to present on the subject of Deafness by the Arizona Supreme Court for its annual judicial conference, &, with his associate, William "Wilz" Prentice, added several sessions for staff training at the Pinal County Courts in Florence, AZ as well as to Deputies in the Pinal County Sheriff's Office in Arizona among many more locations and organizations across the USA. Healthcare facilities are in dire need of this training to assist with patient care at all levels, from the administrative staff to medical, nursing, & social work professionals to nutrition/food service staff as well as other department personnel. VRI is not the only thing to have available. The class can help in several ways to leverage liability as well. It was a wonderfully rewarding session teaching staff at some of the VA Hospitals in New York City.

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