How to Rejuvenate the Body

Thursday, Mar 26, 2020 at 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM PST

Primitive Therapy, 23276 South Pointe Dr #205, Laguna Hills, CA, 92653, United States

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Thursday, Mar 26, 2020 at 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM PST

Primitive Therapy, 23276 South Pointe Dr #205, Laguna Hills, CA, 92653, United States.

Is your body starting to slow down? Does your body feel like it's older than it is? The older we get, the less supple our bodies become. But most of us are decrepit before our time. We are weaker and tighter than we need be. This is the result of injuries and lack of use. “Use it or lose it,” is very appropriate for the body, but it's just as common for people to overuse the body in their quest for a healthier body. Overuse leads to injuries and chronic, nagging aches and pains. Overuse is just as bad as underuse. Fortunately, there are ways to restore the suppleness and strength of your body without overdoing it. In this seminar we’ll discuss how you can start from whatever level of fitness you currently have to gently work up to your healthy and reasonable potential. Rejuvenating the Body will make your body feel younger.

You’ll learn:


  • A basic exercise routine that you can use, no matter what your current abilities, to rejuvenate the body.

  • How to work with your aches, pains, and injuries.

  • How to advance your exercise routine to rejuvenate the body.

  • How to avoid overdoing it with exercise.

  • Why you should stop listening to athletes and fitness gurus about how to exercise.

  • Why daily exercise is the key to rejuvenating the body.

Caldwell Bodywork Academy

Dr. Jake Caldwell, DPT, CFMT, received a bachelor's degree in biology, a bachelor's degree in psychology, and a bachelor's degree in history from the University of California at San Diego in 2003. He received a doctorate degree in physical therapy from Chapman University in 2006, and received a certification in Functional Manual Therapy™ from the Institute of Physical Art, passing his exam with distinction. He combines the fields of manual therapy, psychology, and history in his approach to working with the body. He has a practice in Laguna Hills, CA, where he specializes in complex and challenging cases, and teaches continuing education courses for others who work with the body.

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