International Santa Celebration • ISC2022 Atlanta Focused on our Future

Saturday, May 28, 2022 at 3:30 PM to Monday, May 30, 2022 at 10:00 AM EDT

Grand Hyatt Buckhead, 3300 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, GA, 30305, United States

Register Now

Founded in 2012, IBRBS is the world's largest organization of professional Santas, Mrs. Clauses, and supporting spouses. With more than 1,500 active members and more than 48 affiliated Chapters, IBRBS offers its members a wonderful array of benefits and programs, including the prestigious Santa's Heart Program honoring our members' charitable contributions of time and talent, Christmas performer scholarships, Higher Education scholarships for immediate family members, social networking and educational events, discounted and subsidized background checks, individual entertainer's insurance, and much more. Focused on our Future, IBRBS is a member-driven 501(c)(7) Not-for-Profit Organization whose purpose is: (1) to support, mentor, and promote professional development of Christmas Performers; (2) to be an avenue for social networking for Santa and those within the community who appear and perform in the Spirit of Christmas; and (3) to strive to offer Santa services to deserving organizations.

Contact Organizer

Saturday, May 28, 2022 at 3:30 PM to Monday, May 30, 2022 at 10:00 AM EDT

Grand Hyatt Buckhead, 3300 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, GA, 30305, United States.

Rescheduled due to the pandemic, the ISC2022 will now run from April 28-May 1, 2022. We have been contacting those who rolled over their registrations to advise everyone from the original sales that there will be no additional charge. Please use our link to get your hotel reservations at our special rate.  Workshops have been reviewed and rescheduled. Our attendees are the first to know details and there is much work to complete to make this a truly great event. Thank you.

Every two years, the International Santa Celebration (ISC) brings together members of the Christmas Community from around the world for socialization, learning, networking, and camaraderie. Sponsored by IBRBS, the world's largest organization of professional Santas and Mrs. Clauses, ISC events are open to all types of Christmas performers, whether members of IBRBS or not.

Grand Hyatt BuckheadRegistration fees grant each attendee complete access to two full days of instructional workshops, our extensive (over 5,000sf) Vendor Showcase area, six plated meals, including two gourmet dinner events, with terrific entertainment and speakers, and much more! You won't want to miss this unique opportunity to learn more about our Community and our passion, as well as to mingle with old friends and make new ones. Arrive early and take advantage of touring some of the exciting venues, including the Coca Cola Museum, the Aquarium, the College Football Hall of Fame, and more.

You may now make reservations via Grand Hyatt Buckhead's direct online reservation system. Currently, there is adequate space remaining on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, April 28-May 1, 2022, via this link:

Join us in Atlanta as we Focus on Our Future!

 If you are in search of new tickets, please visit

ISC2022 Atlanta Schedule

Thursday, April 28, 2022

  • Explore Atlanta on your own (discounts available for many venues)
  • 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm Vendor Showcase Opens
  • 3:30 pm - 9:00 pm Check-in begins
  • 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Welcome Reception

Friday, April 29, 2022

  • 7:00 am - 8:30 am Breakfast
  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Check-in
  • 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Hospitality Room Open
  • 9:00 am - 12:30 pm Workshops
  • 9:00 am - 6:30 pm Vendor Showcase Open (closed during dinner)
  • 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch
  • 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm Workshops
  • 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm Dinner, Charity Fundraising, and Entertainment

Saturday, April 30, 2022

  • 7:00 am - 8:30 am Breakfast
  • 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Hospitality Room Open
  • 9:00 am - 12:30 pm Workshops
  • 9:00 am - 6:30 pm Vendor Showcase Open (closed during dinner)
  • 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch
  • 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm Workshops
  • 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm Event Attendee Photograph
  • 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm Gala Dinner and Entertainment

Sunday, May 1, 2022

  • Vendor Showcase open during tear-down (by 4pm)


The Vendor Showcase is filled with the most diverse array of vendors. Plan to stop by and visit.

  • Clan Claus Society
  • Clown Supplies
  • Costumes, Etc.
  • Griffin Works Leather
  • Hire Santa
  • IBRBS Membership
  • ISC2020 BLING Sales
  • J Rosa Photography
  • J&R Santaprises
  • Mountainman Beard
  • North Pole Coach
  • ProSantaShop
  • Santa and Mrs. Claus
  • Santa Magic
  • Santa's Corner Store
  • Santa's Drill Team
  • Santa Studios Photography
  • Santa's Tailor
  • Santas OneStop Shop
  • Santas Clauset
  • Seats for Santa
  • Sew Santa
  • Singing Seamstress
  • Sleighmaster Beard Products
  • Stomper Boots
  • Stuff for Santa
  • SURPRISE! A New Member Product
  • The Magic Dollar Store
  • The Sewing Elves
  • Waddell Leather

Visit Atlanta - April 28, 2022

Take the courtesy trolley from the Grand Hyatt to visit some well-known Atlanta attractions. The trolley is available to ISC attendees between 12:00 noon and 6:00 pm. You can also pick up selected discount coupons at the Registration Desk.




The ISC Committee hopes that you will not have to change your plans to attend ISC2022 Atlanta. However, we realize that circumstances sometimes arise that may require you to cancel your attendance. Because of the financial commitments the ISC Committee and IBRBS are making based on the number of planned and actual registrations, our cancellation policy is defined below. Space is limited, and we expect to sell out. If you must cancel your registration, please send an email to

If you must cancel your registration, please be sure to advise us of your room reservations at the Grand Hyatt so you are not charged a hotel fee, and so that your room may be made available to others. We will work with you on changing the registration details once you have made your financial arrangements with the substitute.

*Please note: PayPal no longer issues refunds of the processing fees to the seller when your purchases are cancelled or refunded. As a result, the refunded amounts noted above contain a small service fee to help the ISC cover those costs that we will still incur should you have to cancel. Thank you for your understanding.


RV Options

If you are to drive and/or stay in your RV for the ISC, there are a limited number of spaces available and reserved for our registered attendees at a nightly rate of $75 (plus tax/fees). These spaces have no hookups, and those staying in their RVs must be fully contained. If you would like to reserve one of these spaces on a first-requested, first-assigned basis, send an email to, and we will contact you to work out the details.

The World's Largest Organization of Professional Santas and Mrs. Clauses

Not yet a member of IBRBS or need more information? Our fiscal and member year runs from 10/1 to 9/30 of the following year. Dues are a bargain at $32.50 and full membership allows you to participate in the Santa's Heart Program, the Christmas Performers School Scholarship, the Higher Educational Scholarship, discounted and subsidized background checks and access to industry leading individual entertainer's liability insurance. Ask us about our new member early bird program which can extend a purchase now to an expiration date of 9/30/2021  Please visit our website at

Have Questions? Write to us at:


Sale ended


Registering for more than one person requires a unique email address for each attendee. Registrants who select this option and have an existing PayPal credit account may be able to extend their payments over up to six months without interest.

Sale ended

Full Access ISC2022 Attendee Ticket Partial Approval - $380.00

ISC2022 Attendee Tickets grant full access to all activities, six (6) plated meals, vendor sales area, and your choice of up to twelve (12) of thirty-six (36) workshop sessions.

Sale ended

SPONSOR ACCESS TICKET Partial Approval - $2.00

Sale ended

Free Ticket - Vendor Room only Partial Approval - Free

Enter your discount code

  • Subtotal (excluding fees and discounts) $0.00
  • Total amount$0.00

ISC Committee
ISC Committee

About ISC Committee

ISC Committee
Sarah Kordis/ Fred Lueck
Secret Sleigh Project

About Sarah Kordis/ Fred Lueck

Secret Sleigh Project
Jessica Rosa
Holiday Photo Magic

About Jessica Rosa

Holiday Photo Magic
Santa True/ Robert Seutter
Christmas Performers Workshops

About Santa True/ Robert Seutter

Christmas Performers Workshops
Allen Kaercher
Division Lead
Kaercher Insurance/A division of the Alera Group

About Allen Kaercher

Division Lead
Kaercher Insurance/A division of the Alera Group
Ruby Wright
Senior Recruiting Manager, Cherry Hill Programs
Cherry Hill Programs

About Ruby Wright

Senior Recruiting Manager, Cherry Hill Programs
Cherry Hill Programs
Debbie & Stephen Gillham

About Debbie & Stephen Gillham

Jamie Claus/ Meghan Holmes
Performing Mrs Claus

About Jamie Claus/ Meghan Holmes

Performing Mrs Claus
John Scheuch

About John Scheuch

Santa Carlucci
HoF Santa
Santa Carlucci has volunteered his time and efforts to help our community by leading the MN Santa group from 2002-2010. Leadership, education, gig lead sharing and mentoring were just some of his responsibilities. Based on his contributions, was asked to join AORBS and head the north central group of states. His contributions continued as he was on the board of the first Santa convention in 2006, Education Director and Santa 404 teacher at the 2009 and 2010 Clausfest conventions in Gatlinburg. In 2010 he met, partnered, and performed Santa functions with Cheryl Claus. They created an accessory product line that sold products at every national convention and IBRBS gathering from 2011 until 2018 when Cheryl passed away. In 2017, for his efforts, Santa Carlucci humbly accepted an induction into the Santa Claus Hall of Fame. THE CARLUCCI WAY In 2018, Jenny Lynn Claus joined Carlucci and has partnered in every visit, event, and outing to this day. They combined their years of training, performing, and experience to create a video-based format for their students to use.

About Santa Carlucci

HoF Santa
Lonnie Nitschke
Cherry Hill Programs

About Lonnie Nitschke

Cherry Hill Programs
Howie Graham/ Stephen Arnold
Chairman and the President

About Howie Graham/ Stephen Arnold

Chairman and the President
Steve Craig
Cherry Hill Programs

About Steve Craig

Cherry Hill Programs

About Lee Andrews

Jaylee Welch

About Jaylee Welch

Keith Carson
Believe in Santa

About Keith Carson

Believe in Santa
Leon McBryde

About Leon McBryde

Fred Lueck/ Mitch Allen
Visit with Santa/Hire Santa

About Fred Lueck/ Mitch Allen

Visit with Santa/Hire Santa
Deanna Golden/ Judi Broderick
Santa Nana Holiday University

About Deanna Golden/ Judi Broderick

Santa Nana Holiday University
Megan Price
Director Customer Service

About Megan Price

Director Customer Service

About Mrs Claus Panel

Mrs Claus
Ron Wolek
Santa Claus Makeup

About Ron Wolek

Santa Claus Makeup
Derek Dugan
Sleigh Driver

About Derek Dugan

Sleigh Driver
Sarah Kordis/ Fred Lueck III
Secret Santa Project

About Sarah Kordis/ Fred Lueck III

Secret Santa Project
Mitch Allen
Hire Santa

About Mitch Allen

Hire Santa

About Lori Dinwiddie

Mrs Claus
Fernando Luis Pena Mirabal

About Fernando Luis Pena Mirabal

Fred Lueck III
Visit with Santa

About Fred Lueck III

Visit with Santa
Deanna Golden/ Jim Kelly

About Deanna Golden/ Jim Kelly


About Brothers Claus


About Wendy Leonard

Mrs Claus

About IBRBS Board


About Shirley Wenner

Mrs Claus
Fred Lueck/ Chuck Gill
Visit with Santa

About Fred Lueck/ Chuck Gill

Visit with Santa
ISC Staff
ISC Committee

About ISC Staff

ISC Committee
Doug Church

About Doug Church

Johnathan Burton
Previously a trained and performing opera and music star in Italy, Johnathan now provides voice lessons to some of the world's most famous artists, and to those in the Christmas Community.

About Johnathan Burton

Brian Marchetti

About Brian Marchetti

George Allan is a portrait artist and studio owner of 40 plus years. While he may not look like Santa, he does share the compassion and passion to give and support others, especially children. George has photographed over 2000 weddings, thousands of family portraits, major CEO's, and Santas too. George has been awarded national recognition for his images by Kodak and the PPA (Professional Photographers Association). George has been employed for 13 years by the big three Santa photo companies, which are now one large company. George managed a mall location for 8 years, area coached for two seasons, and served as General Manager of Photo Operations for Marriott Gaylord National Ice Promotion for 3 years. George is a cancer survivor, husband, dad to two teens, and a devoted Christian.

About George Allan

Now in his 23rd year of performing, Lee educates and entertains at schools, libraries, festivals, fairs, church programs, and corporate events nearly 500 times each year. When Lee created his clown character, Lew-E, at the age of 3, he had no idea that it would turn into his career. Lee has been blessed with the opportunity to travel the world creating thousands of smiles for families of all ages. Lee is a former Advance Clown for Cole Brothers Circus for three seasons, Guest Trainer for Cirque du Soleil’s Cirque du Monde, and was featured in Zac Brown Band’s music video for Goodbye in Her Eyes. He was also featured in the hit TV series, Hap and Leonard. Lee also has the opportunity to portray Santa to thousands of children and their families each November and December. Santa Claus is a very important role to Lee, and he ensures that each child receives the Santa experience they deserve. As Santa Lee, he’s been blessed to be able to provide Santa for many Fortune 500 Companies, themed resorts, tree lightings, community events, and family home visits.

About Lee Andrews

Stephen Arnold is the current IBRBS President and CEO. A graduate of UC Santa Barbara, where he met his wife, Kate, of some 50 years, Stephen has an extensive employment and management background which includes, youth disco manager, cable tv installer, student government president, CA State LEO, retail buyer, divisional, executive, and owner for 23 years of an award winning, record setting children's specialty store. While appearing on occasion as Santa at various parties and at his store, he started his professional Santa career in 2012. Jumping in with both feet, Stephen started to provide quality designed products to fellow Christmas Performers. He joined IBRBS in 2013 and in 2015, he was elected to the Board of Directors and five months later became their Secretary. In June 2018, he was elected President/CEO and he proudly serves this member-driven organization as best he can. Stephen's oldest son, now 47, is entering his fifth year as a Santa.

About Stephen Arnold

Judith Broderick has been the “Woman Behind the Scenes for All Things Christmas” most of her life. Through her love of children, Christmas, and an uncanny desire to volunteer for everything, she was always looking for ways to keep the magic in Christmas and the Spirit alive year round. She proudly accepted the official title of Mrs. Claus, for Santa Bill Wilson, almost 10 years ago. She chose the Christmas name “Bestemor Claus” to reflect her heritage and her love of her grandchildren. It means grandmother in Norwegian. (She’s Grandma Claus to the elf children). Her second time as Mrs Claus found her talking to a deaf mother about her safety after her children told Bestemor their older brother was beating up their mom. The following month, she and Santa Bill started ASL classes. Since then she has graduated from the C.W.Howard School for Santas, the International School for Santas, the St. Nicholas Institute, and the Christmas Performers Workshop. She has attended numerous Santa gatherings and workshops. She was knighted a Knight of St Nicholas, and is a member of IBRBS, Clan Claus, and helped Bill start Wisconsin Santas. She is now their IBRBS representative. In 2018, along with her partner Deanna, she launched Santa Nana’s Holiday University (SNHU), the first of its kind school focused on the female performer.

About Judith Broderick

Santa Derek began performing as Santa Claus over 10 years ago. First hired on with Noerr Programs and serving the needs of visitors in The Prince Orange Mall in Orangeburg, South Carolina. He has performed at The Outlet Malls in Dawsonville, Georgia, and has visited with guests, young and old, at The Mall of Georgia, one of the Southeast’s largest malls. He was the resident Santa at Lake Lanier Islands during four winter seasons meeting guests during Breakfast with Santa, as well as being the ambassador of The Spirit of Christmas as Santa Claus throughout the Christmas Season at Santa's Workshop. He has attended The Santa Academy in Atlanta, Georgia, is a member of IBRBS, and several networking groups on Facebook. He regularly continues his ongoing education. His beard is registered with The National Beard Registry. He was cast in "Early Santa", a commercial for Bojangles which debuted in December 2018. Also cast in several on-site commercials for Lake Lanier Islands, "Winter Wonderland", and "Magical Nights of Lights". Santa Derek was also Interviewed and featured in Georgia Magazine, and others. He was also featured in a podcast by Santa Jonathan Burton, released in 2019. Derek has over 40 years of experience in marketing and design, and in industries spanning hospitality, healthcare, technology. entertainment, professional sports. Some from his roster includes Disney Resort Design, SeaWorld, The Orlando Magic and Disney Development Group. He can also be found as a contributor to those in need doing charity work and events for veteran's causes, and the disadvantaged, including

About Derek Dugan

Santa Blake Ellege (Appalachian Santa) has been performing since the age of 2. He was signed to his first record contract at the age of 4 and performed actively all over the USA and the world for the next 14 years. Blake has been portraying Santa for the past 11 years and gives God the glory for all of the blessings he’s been given in such his short time on earth. He has a BA in Classical Music Performance and currently travels full time (270+ paid performances a year) as the Front Man, Lead Vocalist and Singer for 11 different bands. Blake’s unique background in theater, opera, singing professionally and musical theater work for the past 20 years has given him a unique approach to portraying Santa, character development, singing and overall performance quality. He is currently a Voting Grammy Member, a member of The International Blues Society, CMA, IBMA, PAVA and a Lifetime Member of the Southern Gospel Music Hall of Fame.

About Blake Ellege

Stephen began his Santa portrayal following a call from the recreational therapy at UNC Children’s Hospital. In his efforts to bring the very best Santa experience to those and other children, he and his wife, Debra, developed what parents dubbed “Smart Santa”. Using modern technology, Debra, sent him information. He knew the child’s name, age, favorite present from last Christmas and positive aspects of the child’s personality. This technique created amazement for children and their families. Stephen realized that he could only see a limited number of children annually which prompted him to teach the method of “Smart Santa” to others. He authored the book,” Santaology, The Art of Becoming a Great Santa Claus”. The book contains multiple original stories, visual props, and his method of performing for children and adults alike. Stephen has partnered with Santa Leon A. McBryde and together as the “Brothers Claus” teach seminars on props and Santa techniques.

About Debra and Stephen Gillham

Stephen began his Santa portrayal following a call from the recreational therapy at UNC Children’s Hospital. In his efforts to bring the very best Santa experience to those and other children, he and his wife, Debra, developed what parents dubbed “Smart Santa”. Using modern technology, Debra, sent him information. He knew the child’s name, age, favorite present from last Christmas and positive aspects of the child’s personality. This technique created amazement for children and their families. Stephen realized that he could only see a limited number of children annually which prompted him to teach the method of “Smart Santa” to others. He authored the book,” Santaology, The Art of Becoming a Great Santa Claus”. The book contains multiple original stories, visual props, and his method of performing for children and adults alike. Stephen has partnered with Santa Leon A. McBryde and together as the “Brothers Claus” teach seminars on props and Santa techniques. Leon first donned the red suit in 1962 at the age of nineteen for Belk’s Department Store in Fayetteville, NC. After that, he led an exciting and unusual life. He performed as a clown and did advance promotional work for Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus and, in 1990, was inducted into the International Clown Hall of Fame. In 2010, Leon retired from clowning, let his white beard grow out, and once again put on the red suit. He created a line of Santa products and partnered with Santa Stephen Gillham to develop props and training seminars. Together they are known as “The Brothers Claus”. Leon believes portraying Santa Claus is his calling; and he does Corporate jobs, home visits, and promotions such as the Biltmore in the Miami area and Atlantis in the Bahamas. He and his wife, Linda, raised two sons and have six grandchildren and a great grandchild.

About Stephen Gillham and Leon McBryde

After retiring from the business world in 2014, a Santa friend asked Deanna whether she would be interested in being a Mrs. Claus. He thought she would like it and would be good at it, since she loved Christmas, loved children, and loved the holiday spirit. She commissioned a dress and volunteered her weekends as Mrs. Claus. Before she knew it, she found herself being interviewed on live morning news shows, sitting next to Santa for photos, and going to corporate parties, family parties, and charity events. After the first child, the first hug, and the first smile, she was hooked, and she has been working on the art of Mrs. Claus since, performing solo or with different Santas. In 2015, Deanna began volunteering for IBRBS, and accepted increasing responsibilities as the membership grew. In 2016, she was appointed as the first female Ex-Officio Director; in February 2018 she was elected by the membership to the Board of Directors; and in June 2018 she was elected by the Board as Secretary and Officer. Life is about learning, and Deanna has committed to growing her professional craft, which has now evolved into both student and teacher. She has attended several professional Christmas performer schools and workshops, and in 2018, Deanna, along with her partner, Judi, launched Santa Nana's Holiday University (SNHU), the first-of-its-kind school focused on the female performer.

About Deanna Golden

Howard Graham is Chair of ISC2020 Atlanta, and IBRBS Vice President of Professional Development.

About Howard Graham

Allen was born and raised in Las Vegas. He is the President of Kaercher Insurance. He has over 40 years of experience in development and implementation of risk management programs, specializing in risk control programs for a diverse range of clients, including hospitality/gaming accounts, public entitles, healthcare facilities, airports, hotel/casinos and other large, complex accounts. Allen earned his Bachelor of Science degree in business insurance administration from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He helped develop the first Owner Controlled Insurance Program and assisted with implementation of the first Self Insured Workers Compensation program in Nevada with the risk managers of Summa Corporation and MGM Grand. The result was the creation of laws that are still in effect today in the State of Nevada. He devotes a great deal of his time to numerous community organizations including the Blind Center of Nevada, After School All Stars and Southern Nevada Water Authority. He also serves as an honorary commander with the Nellis Support Team and was honored by the Business Advisory Council as the 2006 Businessman of the Year.

About Allen Kaercher

Sarah lives in her hometown of Colorado and has three children. In December of 2015, Sarah’s eldest daughter Lily, who has various medical needs and a rare diagnosis, faced a somewhat dis-heartening moment as she sat in Lily’s room and watched her in her bed. Lily had returned home from a long hospitalization that required various new machines, medicines and respiratory treatments. Going outside to face the cold was hardly possible for her little girl. She also thought of Santa and how impossible it would be to see him with the rest of the family. She immediately envisioned Santa walking into Lily’s room from her doorway and pictured Lily’s face lighting up with a big smile. After researching to find a Santa to do home visits, she recruited a nearby Santa and asked that he visit families she knew who also had children with special medical needs. In two weeks, Santa and Mrs. Claus visited 16 children in three different cities. Another Santa heard of the efforts and visited several families in a city a few hours away. Since this wonderful first year, the initiative became the Secret Sleigh Project and involves hundreds of Santas and Christmas performers throughout the United States. To date thousands of visits have been performed. Secret Sleigh Project has been featured Several Times on ABC News, Good Morning America, and in local newspapers such as the Coloradoan, Denver Post & Reporter Herald. She received an award from the City of Fort Collins in October of 2017 for her work in the community to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities.

About Sarah Kordis

As an author and veteran speaker, trainer, seminar leader and entertainer, Jeffrey’s dynamic presentation style has unusually strong impact. Jeffrey draws from his experiences as a Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus Clown and consultant, as well as over 30 years of international family-based programming for some of the world’s largest companies. With over 5,000 programs from living rooms, to the world’s largest venues – there are few situations a Christmas performer will find themselves in that Jeff has not experienced. Jeffrey is the author of: “Tender Moments from the Big Chair,” “Just in Time … Just isn’t Enough!” and his work also has appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work.

About Jeffrey McMullen

A Retired Army Major (Airborne), Fernando Luis Pena Mirabal has over 25 years of experience as a university professor (Graduate & Undergraduate) in the areas of Business and Public Administration, Entrepreneurship, Economics, and Business Law. Before his retirement, he worked as a Business Lawyer and Entrepreneurship Advisor on the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. He’s given presentations, seminars, and trainings to a great variety of industries such as Coca Cola, Sam’s Club, Plaza de Caribe, Hewlett Packard, Sara Lee, Avon, Starkist Caribe, Dunn & Bradstreet, Abbott Laboratories, Johnson & Johnson, Baxter International, Bristol-Myers, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, AT&T, Triple S, Integrand, Texaco, and Shell, to mention just a few.

About Fernando Luis Pena Mirabal

Mrs.B.Claus, aka Betty Mocik Motter, has been joining and supporting Santas on visits to thousands of events for over a decade now from Coast to Coast in the U.S., while bringing the magic of Christmas to thousands more personally herself. Having been an international sales trainer and professional speaker for many years, and a much sought-after emcee for every kind of event, Betty captivates her audience whether in a classroom setting, keynoting a national convention, or delivering the magic of Christmas individually to children of any age or special need, year round. She knows how to make events memorable, how to assist Santa with the many details regarding the variety of events, and is able to teach experienced and prospective Mrs. Clauses to do the same. A certified Hospice volunteer, she shares her love of Christmas through that charity, and inspires others to find their special calling to give back somehow, too.

About Betty Mocik Motter

When Mike was a sophomore in college in Alexandria, Louisiana, the local K-Mart advertised for a Santa for Christmas in 1967. He applied and got the job. For three years with a traditional beard and pillow stuffing, he entertained the children of central Louisiana. He enjoyed the time so much, after he graduated, he had his own suit made and continued to entertain children at Christmastime. In the meantime, Mike attended Clown College on the Road in Houston, Texas and began a career as a Professional Clown. Again, entertaining children not only in Louisiana, but in Costa Rica. While there he was the featured clown at the home of the United States Ambassador to Costa Rica for their Fourth of July festivities. He also taught a class in Clowning in the Drama Department at the Universidad de Costa Rica. Over the years, he also taught Puppetry at many churches and schools in Louisiana as well as performing puppet shows across the state. He’s taught Santas how to communicate with deaf children. He also developed a YouTube video teaching basic signs to Santas, as “Santa Signs Mike Owens.”

About Michael Owens

Megan is on the front line, working directly with performers and their clients each day. She's got her finger on the pulse of the booking experience from start to finish and knows what it takes to be successful in the entertainment business.

About Megan Price

After 11 years with the company, Heather is an expert in all things GigSalad. She's watched seasonal bookings grow year over year, while helping build GigSalad into what it is today, giving her experience and knowledge that is unmatched.

About Heather Roonan

John Scheuch has been helping Santa since 1975. He got the “bug” from his father, grandfather, stepfather, and uncle. He has now morphed into the role. In 2003 John made his first hospice visit. It did not go as planned, as one of the children died hours before his visit. The family wanted to go ahead with the visit, and John felt totally inadequate and unprepared. Looking for a place to learn and do more, he discovered Santa America, a volunteer service organization and 501(c)(3). John has been a volunteer since 2005. In 2016, John was asked to take over as President of Santa America. He and his wife, Elf Helen, are now supporting Santa America.

About John Scheuch

Robert Seutter has more than thirty years of professional storytelling experience as True Thomas the Storyteller. He loves making folks smile with his singing and interactive style. As a traditional spoken-word storyteller, he has taught Disney Animators and performed for NPR and the Getty museum. True suited up as Santa and hit the ground running. In his first year, he was on “NBC’s The Voice” and the official Santa for Solvang, CA. In his second year, he was Santa for the Lakers and the Clippers, plus in a commercial for Royal Caribbean, earning the nickname “Action Santa” for snorkeling, jet-skiing, and zip-lining in full Santa gear. For the past three years, he’s performed as Santa for the South Coast Christmas Spectacular (audience of 4,000+) and at a world class ski resort. Some of his other commercials include Michaels Crafts (with Snoop Dogg) and The 99-Cent Store (Santa for Easter). You can see Santa True in flashmob dances and rapping with a 10-piece blues band. Just last year, he was the Lead Santa for “Hire Santa” on Shark Tank. He’s also created Christmas Performer Workshops (CPW), a truly innovative training group.

About Robert Seutter

Amanda Spalding, or “Mandy Claus” has been bringing joy to children of all ages for two years, but has been preparing to be Mrs. Claus ever since she met and married her own personal Santa over 18 years ago. A native of Louisville, KY, she is a proud United States Navy Veteran. Amanda earned her Bachelor and Master Degrees, with an adult education emphasis, in Nursing Science from Spalding University. She is a Registered Nurse with 23 years of experience, and has extensive assistance in Long Term and Skilled Nursing Care, including dementia care. Amanda is, at heart, a teacher and trainer, and has been for the majority of her career. She has held numerous positions that required education and training of patients, families, nurses and other direct care staff. She has also taught photography, First Aid/CPR, Disease Prevention and Wellness. She firmly believes that all Christmas Performers can bring joy and happiness to those living in Long Term Care and Dementia Care settings, and make connections that age, infirmity or disease cannot take away.

About Amanda Spalding

Bruce has been Santa’s Helper for 40 years, and has had more than 2000 visits. His revenue is directed to Rotary International, in order to purchase polio vaccine. They have immunized over 300,000 children. He is the only Canadian member of the International Santa Claus Hall of Fame, and he is also a Knight of St. Nicholas. He’s written four books, and has studied the history and the traditions which take us from our Santa of today back in time to St. Nicholas.

About Bruce Templeton

Jaylie Welch graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Spanish. Since graduation, she has been with Make-A-Wish Georgia for almost four years as their Manager of Community Events. In this role, Jaylie gets to meet and work with individuals and community groups to find their unique way of plugging into Make-A-Wish Georgia’s mission.

About Jaylie Welch

Licensed as a teacher in Elementary Education, Special Education, and Early Childhood Education, Shirley retired after 40 years teaching in the classroom and, since 2012, have been an adjunct professor in the College of Education at Rowan University, in Glassboro, NJ. While she taught several education classes, she’s currently dedicated to supervising student teachers. Her experience in education at the elementary level was serving as the special education member in a cooperative teaching setting. In that capacity, she worked with general education teachers to develop and adapt reading instruction for diverse student populations. Throughout this time, her emphasis was on using “trade books”, authentic literature to enhance the standard reading program, and encourage student to become life-long readers. With this as a goal, she established a focused database of children’s literature which can be accessed by title, topic, and/or author, including, of course, those focused on winter and the Christmas holidays.

About Shirley Wenner

Ron Wolek is a third generation Hollywood Journeyman hair stylist and makeup artist. Ron was trained by his mother, Janet Wolek (1954-2014), who was a well-known makeup designer at Disney World, responsible for many versions of the Christmas Day Parade. His most recent film and television work includes “Stranger Things,” Season 3, “The Right Stuff” Season one, “The One and Only Ivan” starring, Brian Cranston and Angelina Jolie; “Late Night with Stephen Colbert”, and “Last Week Tonight” with John Oliver”. His Christmas related entertainment credits include Disneyland, ABC Christmas Day Parade, Grinchmas, Elf the Musical, Universal Studios’ Santa Stole Our Dog and beard maker for actors Ed Asher, Brian Cranston, and Bobby Moynihan. As an instructor, Wolek is currently a faculty member of the Elegance International School of Professional Makeup, the oldest Hollywood makeup school and designs wigs and beards for Santa Claus. He has also taught for Cinema Makeup School in Hollywood and Cosmix Makeup School in South Florida. As a published author, Ron Wolek wrote two books for Santa Claus, Santa Claus Makeup and Become Santa Claus: How to Turn Your Beard Snow White.

About Ron Wolek


Sessions on Apr 28, 2022

07:00 PM

ISC Welcome Reception

07:00 PM - 09:00 PMBall Room
  • +1
  • ISC Committee


    ISC Committee


  • +10

Sessions on Apr 29, 2022

07:00 AM

Breakfast - Plated

07:00 AM - 08:30 AMBall room
  • Sarah Kordis/ Fred Lueck


    Secret Sleigh Project


09:00 AM

Creating & Building Visual Equity with Photography

09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Jessica Rosa


    Holiday Photo Magic



Get off your fuzzy tuchis And PERFORM

09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Santa True/ Robert Seutter


    Christmas Performers Workshops


IBRBS, Liability Insurance and You

09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Allen Kaercher

    Division Lead

    Kaercher Insurance/A division of the Alera Group


10:10 AM

What it Takes to Keep Children Believing

10:10 AM - 11:20 AM
  • Debbie & Stephen Gillham




A Historic Background of Holly Kringle Claus

10:10 AM - 11:20 AM
  • Jamie Claus/ Meghan Holmes


    Performing Mrs Claus


Santa and Difficult Visits

10:10 AM - 11:20 AM
  • John Scheuch



11:20 AM

The Carlucci introduction to entertaining as a Santa and Mrs Claus couple

11:20 AM - 12:20 PM
  • Santa Carlucci


    HoF Santa


How to Elevate the Guest Experience in a High Volume Setting

11:20 AM - 12:20 PM
  • +1
  • Ruby Wright

    Senior Recruiting Manager, Cherry Hill Programs

    Cherry Hill Programs


Deciding to Host an ISC Event • ISC2026 and Beyond

11:20 AM - 12:20 PM
  • Howie Graham/ Stephen Arnold

    Chairman and the President



12:30 PM

Lunch - Plated

12:30 PM - 01:30 PMBall room
  • Steve Craig


    Cherry Hill Programs


01:40 PM

Productive Moments During Chair Time

01:40 PM - 02:40 PM
  • Lee Andrews



How to Help Grant Wishes

01:40 PM - 02:40 PM
  • Jaylee Welch




Believability.... He does exist! The Carlucci Way

01:40 PM - 02:40 PM
  • Santa Carlucci


    HoF Santa

02:50 PM

Lights - Camera - Action

02:50 PM - 03:50 PM
  • Leon McBryde




Video Visits are Here to Stay

02:50 PM - 03:50 PM
  • Fred Lueck/ Chuck Gill


    Visit with Santa



The Complete Claus Experience

02:50 PM - 03:50 PM
  • Deanna Golden/ Judi Broderick


    Santa Nana Holiday University


04:00 PM

How to use an online booking service

04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
  • Megan Price

    Director Customer Service




The Challenges Facing Mrs Claus

04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
  • Mrs Claus Panel

    Mrs Claus


The History of Santa's Beard, as well as Hair and Beard Care & Makeup

04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
  • Ron Wolek


    Santa Claus Makeup

06:30 PM

Dinner - Plated

06:30 PM - 08:00 PMBall room
08:00 PM


08:00 PM - 10:00 PMBall room

Sessions on Apr 30, 2022

07:00 AM

Breakfast - Plated

07:00 AM - 08:30 AMBall room
  • Mitch Allen


    Hire Santa


09:00 AM

Digital Marketing Best Practices in 2022

09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Derek Dugan


    Sleigh Driver


Focus on the Client and exceed Expectations

09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Deanna Golden/ Judi Broderick


    Santa Nana Holiday University



Secret Santa Project

09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Sarah Kordis/ Fred Lueck III


    Secret Santa Project


10:10 AM

What Did You Say? Making sure you are heard.

10:10 AM - 11:20 AM
  • Leon McBryde




Polishing the Apple • Dealing with the Media

10:10 AM - 11:20 AM
  • Mitch Allen


    Hire Santa



Celebrate Holiday Cookies

10:10 AM - 11:20 AM
  • Lori Dinwiddie

    Mrs Claus

11:20 AM

Legal Aspects of Being Santa (Mrs C)

11:20 AM - 12:20 PM
  • Fernando Luis Pena Mirabal




Dealing with Dementia and Christmas

11:20 AM - 12:20 PM
  • Amanda Spalding



Energizing your Christmas Community

11:20 AM - 12:20 PM
  • Santa True/ Robert Seutter


    Christmas Performers Workshops

12:30 PM

Lunch - Plated

12:30 PM - 01:30 PMBall room
  • Fred Lueck III


    Visit with Santa


01:40 PM

Calling all Volunteers • IBRBS

01:40 PM - 02:40 PM
  • Deanna Golden/ Jim Kelly





Protecting the Brand of Santa and Mrs. Claus

01:40 PM - 02:40 PM
  • Fred Lueck/ Chuck Gill


    Visit with Santa



Music Makes the Heart Grow Fonder and Revives your Spirit

01:40 PM - 02:40 PM
  • Johnathan Burton



02:50 PM

Expanding Frontiers as Santa and Mrs Claus

02:50 PM - 03:50 PMBall room
  • Brothers Claus



Fun and Games for Home.& Corporate Events

02:50 PM - 03:50 PM
  • +1
  • Wendy Leonard

    Mrs Claus


Meet the IBRBS Board and Ask Questions

02:50 PM - 03:50 PM
  • IBRBS Board



04:00 PM

Reading with Children

04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
  • Shirley Wenner

    Mrs Claus


The Business Side of Being Santa

04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
  • Fred Lueck/ Chuck Gill


    Visit with Santa



Mastering the Corporate Market

04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
  • Lee Andrews


05:10 PM

ISC Group Photo

05:10 PM - 05:45 PMOutside
  • ISC Staff


    ISC Committee


06:30 PM

Dinner • Holiday Menu

06:30 PM - 08:00 PMBall room
  • ISC Staff


    ISC Committee

08:00 PM

Entertainment • Elvis is in the House

08:00 PM - 10:00 PMBall room
  • Doug Church



About Visit with Santa Sponsor Logo

About Cherry Hill Programs Sponsor Logo

About Hire Santa! Sponsor Logo

About IBRBS Sponsor Logo

About Magic Light Wand Sponsor Logo

About Holiday Photo Magic by Jessica Rosa Sponsor Logo

About IntelliCorp Sponsor Logo

About Kaercher Insurance • An Alera Group Company Sponsor Logo

About Ladies of Christmas

Sponsor Logo

About Planet Santa Sponsor Logo

About Santa's Corner Store

Sponsor Logo

About Toys for Santa Sponsor Logo

About Santa Nana Holiday University • SNHU Sponsor Logo

About CHARITY: St Jude Children's Research Hospital Sponsor Logo
