Intro to Respiratory Disease

Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 9:15 AM to 4:30 PM AZOST

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Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 9:15 AM to 4:30 PM AZOST

Aim of this session is to introduce respiratory disease to HCSWs who will be able to use the underpinning knowledge to develop their competencies within the practice and support clinicians, undertaking chronic disease management of patients with respiratory disease.

Covers basic anatomy and physiology of respiratory system, awareness of common respiratory illness. What is asthma? HCSWs role in supporting patients with asthma - prevalence, risk factors, signs, symptoms and triggers. Detailed training and practical session teaching HCSWs how to perform and record accurate peak flow and the maintenance of a peak flow diary.

How does asthma differ from COPD - awareness of the variety and types of inhalers.

Health promotion/lifestyle and the use of motivational interviewing techniques to support patients who wish to make changes



This event is free to all South East London HCA's


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South East London Workforce Development Hub

Bromley Education and Training Hub

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