ISC2024 Memphis Vendor and School Showcase information
The ISC2024 Memphis Committee is now accepting your requests to be considered for participation in, and have space made available within our ISC2024 Vendor and School Showcase. Early assignments will offered to vendors and schools that exhibited at the ISC2022 Atlanta Celebration. Exhibit spaces for all other vendors will begin mid-July, 2024. Companies packing or moving out of their booth space prior to the official close of the show are not eligible for early booth selection at following events. The ISC Committee/Vendors reserves the right and sole discretion to alter the Exhibit Hall floor plan at any time in the best interest of the Conference. Vendors and their staff must check in at our registration area and pick up their badge(s) before entering the Vendor Showcase. The number of active exhibitor badges available to each company is based on the size of exhibit spaces purchased. Badges are required to enter the Vendor Showcase during move-in and one hour before the hall opens to attendees on Thursday. Anyone may enter the Exhibit Hall without a badge during open hours. Please review the following information and the proposed Showcase diagram* before continuing.
The Showcase Application Period closes on or before June 30, 2023. Space allocation offers and final costs will follow in late August and early September 2023.
Vendor and School Space Options
Space locations within the Showcase room are still being reviewed by the Renasant Convention Center personnel. Costs for spaces are estimates and will be confirmed with you when your space offer and invoice are made. Unlike Atlanta in 2022, all ISC2024 Vendors/Schools will be housed together in one large ballroom with *approximate square footage 16,000 sf of available space versus the two vendor areas with only 6,500 SF. Too, the Showcase is on the same floor and directly across a hall from the Sponsor Area and Dining Room.
Premium Space
10' x 10'* |
10% Premium |
Regular Space
10' x 10'* |
$250 |
Table Space
8'x2.5' table
$200 |
*Each space on our diagram is 10'x10' (100sf), 25% larger than our Atlanta individual booth spaces. Please provide us with your preferred number of spaces (maximum of 4 booths for a total of 400sf) and whether you want back to back (spanning aisle to aisle), side by side (running along one aisle), or as a quad configuration. For the table only section, one or two tables (maximum 2 side by side tables 8'x2.5'.) are available. As noted above, multiple adjacent spaces may be combined for larger areas, but at this time, maximum Vendor space is limited to a total of four and table spaces are limited to no more than two.
Note: The entire Vendor Showcase will be secured at all hours outside of the operating hours.
Hours: Set-up, Operations, and Teardown
• Setup will be open from 1pm to 6pm on Wednesday, April 24, 2024
• Vendor Showcase Hours
• Thursday, April 25: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm (opening day)
• Friday, April 26: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm
• Saturday, April 27: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm
• Sunday, April 28: 8:00 am - 12:00 noon
• Tear down by 3:00 pm on Sunday, April 28
Application Process
1. Submit your application with your request for the amount of space by clicking on the Register button on this form. Your request comes with no charge to you at this time.
2. The ISC Vendor Committee will review all applications for sales spaces.
3. Accepted Vendors will receive a communication confirming your allocated space. Upon acceptance, you will receive a PayPal invoice for your allocated space. You may cancel your application at any time prior to or at the time of invoicing, but your space will be reallocated. See our Cancellation Policy for rules applying to later cancellation times.
4. Submitting a Vendor/School Space Request is not a guarantee that you will be allocated any Vendor space or type.
5. All booths and tables carry a 7-day buyer's remorse period starting from the date of payment of your invoice. You may receive a full refund (less applicable PayPal fees) if you submit a written (email to request within 7 days of purchase. After this 7-day period, these funds are nonrefundable unless the event fails to take place.
Additional Vendor Provisions
• Due to previous vendor/school requests, we will now include liability insurance which meets all of the insurance requirements for IBRBS, ISC2024 Memphis, and the Renasant Convention Center. You will no longer suffer all the hassles and expense to locate your own insurance, or to provide multiple additional named certificates. We hope you appreciate this new, free benefit for all our vendors. Additional named certificates will be auto-issued to the ISC, IBRBS, and the Renasant Convention Center. Vendors who are also full, active members of IBRBS will also have additional free coverage under our IBRBS master policy.
• Vendors will be provided with FREE WiFi within the Vendor room and hallways and dining room of the Renasant Convention Center.
• Reasonable use of power is provided FREE via floor outlets throughout the Vendor Showcase.
• Tables (max one per space) will be provided with skirts and up to 2 chairs per table FREE.
• The Renasant Convention Center will make a limited catering menu available for sandwiches and salads the day prior to service.
• Violations: Anyone who fails to follow the IBRBS tenets, code of conduct and code of ethics, or any of the rules listed here, may lose their right to attend, or if the event has already started, be asked to leave immediately. If you fail to vacate promptly, we will take possession of your booth space(s) and remove all persons and goods, without any liabilities.
Register to Attend the ISC Workshops and Meals
Vendors are invited to register for the ISC and join the camaraderie. Visit the ISC website at to learn more about the event offerings and schedules. We are working on several "meals-only packages" for Fridays and/or Saturdays: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Breakfast only, Breakfast and Dinner. As most of you know, meal costs represent the bulk of the expenses for attending the ISC, so these meal tickets will not be inexpensive.
Tickets for the Thursday night Riverboat Cruise with BBQ buffet and entertainment are available as a separate purchase, first come, first reserved.
Tickets for St Jude Children's Research Hospital charity fundraiser concert, the Legends of Rock and Roll, with tribute artists performing as Elvis, Kenny Rogers, and Dolly Parton, are also available as a separate purchase, to be held from 8pm-10pm on Saturday night in the Cannon Concert Hall in the Renasant Convention Center immediately following dinner.
Our Christmas in April Parade will be held on Sunday, April 28, 2024, on historic Beale St, beginning with the lineup by 11:15 am and the parade scheduled from 11:45 am to 12:15 pm.
Vendor/School Showcase Room Layout

You may also be able to book your own reservation at our discounted rates at the Sheraton Memphis Downtown hotel for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Daily self-park spaces, under the Renasant Convention Center, will be available for only $10 per day.