When was the last time you managed a sick child? Pediatrics typically make up less than 10% of ambulance call volume. This means that most paramedics see critically ill children relatively infrequently.
KinderMedic is a one day program designed to improve confidence of paramedics when managing children as well as address some of the common knowledge gaps in pediatric education. The program provides 7.5hours of instruction, comprised mainly of small group skill sessions followed by a number of high fidelity simulations to allow the learning to be applied and reinforced.
The program’s authors work exclusively in pediatric critical care transport. This means the course brings the perspective of a pediatric specialist that may differ from the adult EM and critical care background that predominates in the prehospital setting.
KinderMedic is eligible for CME with Hamilton Health Sciences Centre for Prehospital Education and Research and Sunnybrook Centre for Prehospital Medicine.
The program is being offered as Outreach Education to any Advanced Care Paramedic who works for an ambulance service within the Ornge coverage area as a thank you to our partners. Attendees can expect to attend a series of mini lectures, skill stations and high fidelity simulation as detailed below.
Mini Lectures
- Approach to airway management
- Perfusion & fluid basics
- Approach to newborn resuscitation
Skill Stations
- Basic airway management
- Advanced airway management
- IV access
- IO access
- Team resuscitation
- Preemie Resuscitation
High Fidelity Simulation
- Applying all of the above principles!
*One registration permitted per e-mail address.
**Registration starts at 10 a.m. on the specific date.