KNX Road Show South East Asia - Forum Singapore

Monday, Feb 17, 2014 at 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM SST

Raffles Singapore, 1 Beach Road, Singapore, 189673, Singapore

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Monday, Feb 17, 2014 at 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM SST

Raffles Singapore, 1 Beach Road, , Singapore, 189673, Singapore.


The Green Forum of KNX Technology and Application, Singapore

KNX - The worldwide STANDARD for home and building control

Welcome to the registration for

"The Green Forum for KNX Technology and Application".


This KNX Forum is addressing consultants, specifiers and architects in order to learn about the benefits of the KNX Technology and how building automation with technology can offer a big surplus to upcoming projects in South East Asia.


We would like to invite you and your business partners to this Forum, which will give you the opportunity to: 


·    Have discussions about KNX with Members and Partners, such as ABB, JUNG, Theben, Otto Solutions, Siemens, Somfy and others.

 ·   Learn about your personal benefits from international representatives and 
 ·    Get an insight of the growing future and upcoming plans for building automation in 
"Intelligent Cities".



14:00 - Welcoming and Registration

14:30 - Presentation: KNX Association International

The Worldwide STANDARD

15:00 - Introduction KNX South East Asia

15:10 - Presentation: Jesús Arías (Spain/South Africa)

Enhancing LEED certification through implementing KNX

16:00 - Presentation: KNX Association International

Introduction to KNXcity

16:30 - Break

16:50 - Presentation: KNX Member company "ABB" 

Sustainability with KNX - Project descriptions

17:10 - Presentation: KNX Member company "Siemens" 
Sustainability with KNX - Project descriptions


17:30 - Presentation: KNX Member company "JUNG" 
Sustainability with KNX - Project descriptions

17:50 - Presentation: Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC) 

Cooperation with KNX

18:00 - End



Raffles Singapore,

1 Beach Road
Singapore 189673




How to participate?


Participation at the Forum is FREE OF CHARGE. Please register for the KNX Forum no later than February 14th.

Please take into consideration that places are limited. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send an email to

KNX Association International and KNX South East Asia are looking forward to welcoming you to the Green Forum of KNX Technolgy and Application.


KNX, EIB and ETS are registered trademarks of KNX Association cvba. Use prohibited except with prior authorization in writing. All other product or service names are properties of their respective owners.
©:KNX Association cvba, 2013, all rights reserved.

© KNX Association cvba • De Kleetlaan 5 Bus 11• B-1831 • Brussels-Diegem • Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0) 2 775 85 90 • Fax: +32 (0) 2 675 50 28 •



KNX Association

KNX Association International in cooperation with KNX South East Asia

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