Start your journey to becoming a Canvas master!
Start out by attaining your yellow belt and work your way all the way to a Canvas black belt.
This training will involve some direct instruction but mainly independent work with the availablity of the facilitator. The topics covered in this first session are listed below.
The yellow belt covers two main topics:
- Setting up your account
- Using Canvas to help run a classroom
1. Setting up Your Account
- Canvas Interface Overview (6:52)
- User Settings & Profile Picture (5:04)
- Notification preferences (4:28)
- Canvas Help Resources (4:28)
2. Using Canvas to help run a classroom
- Rich Content Editor (4:41)
- How to make a screenshot and upload it into Canvas
- Syllabus Overview (5:03) - Assignment
- Calendar Overview (6:13)
- FastTrack Episode 4: Calendar - Time is of the Essence
- Announcements Overview (3:47)
- FastTrack Episode 1: Announcements - Extra Extra Read all About It! - Discussion
The orange belt covers the following topics:
- Creating pages to hold course content (learning material)
- Gradebook
- Assignments
The content pages section includes:
Pages: Creation & Management (4:59)
Draft State Overview (3:55)
FastTrack Episode 6: Homepage - Make it a Website but Better!
FastTrack Episode 17: Pages - Fun Sized and Bite Sized
The gradebook section includes:
Gradebook Overview (7:54)
Course Expectations: Canvas Kaleidoscope (3:04)
The assignments section includes:
Assignments Overview (5:29)
Assignment Creation (5:04)
FastTrack Episode 12: Student Submissions - Snap a Pic and Submit!
FastTrack Episode 16: Daily Assignments - Fast Fives, Bellwork, Daily Warm-up
FastTrack Episode 28: Pick a submission, any submission
The blue belt focuses on:
Discussions Overview (8:44)
Discussion Creation (6:28)
FastTrack Episode 20: Discussions: Chat about it!
FastTrack Episode 30: Let's start a Journal!
FastTrack Episode 11: Student View - Do you know what they see?
Groups: Creation & Management (6:03)
Quiz Creation: Settings (5:37)
Quiz Creation: Questions (7:08)
Quiz Groups (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
FastTrack Episode 24: Cloze Note Quizzes
Create a Quiz