Labor Clinic for Businesses: Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Tuesday, Mar 21, 2017 at 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM PGT

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Labor Clinic for Businesses: Registered Apprenticeship Programs Partial Approval - Free

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Tuesday, Mar 21, 2017 at 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM PGT

Registered Apprenticeship program offers employers in every industry the tools to develop a highly skilled workforce to help grow their business. For workers, apprenticeship offers opportunities to earn a salary while learning the skills necessary to succeed in high-demand careers. Registered Apprenticeship exemplifies high standards, instructional rigor and quality training. Whether you are an employer looking to hire, train or retain a skilled workforce, or a worker looking for a new career in a well-paying occupation, apprenticeship will help achieve those goals. Learn about employer incentives that offset business privilege tax equal to the amount of fifty (50) percent of all eligible cost paid or incurred for training apprentices.

Guam Department of Labor

Guam Department of Labor's American Job Center

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