Workshop 1: The Library module, Preferences and Overview
Diving a little deeper into the features of Lightrooms’ Library module will help you stay organised and get you processing your photos faster. Some of the things we’ll explore are features that are often overlooked or new:
- Shortcuts, tool bars and panels, basic stuff but some things to help if you are on a smaller screen.
- Automatically have the camera matching profile (camera settings) applied to images as they’re imported so they look more like what you saw on the back of the camera in the field.
- Building and using file renaming templates, metadata pre-sets, develop settings on import and which previews to build on import?
- Lightroom/ Catalog preference settings to consider. The default settings probably don’t suit your work so change them, but to what?
- Plugins to help working with Lightroom; some to get you out of trouble and some to do things Lightroom doesn’t do out of the box.
- Managing folders, missing folder/ photos? What’s with the question marks on my folders or exclamation marks on my photos? Bypassing the import dialog and synchronising a folder.
- Using collections: smart collections, filtering collections and why collections are better for organisation.
- Selecting photos to work on – some suggestions to speed it up.
Links to resources (free and paid for) for learning and exploring Lightroom further, getting help and useful plugins will be provided.