LONG ISLAND, NY Governments/Counties, Towns, Villages, State, Federal

Wednesday, Jan 12, 2022 at 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM EST

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Long Island, NY Governments & Agencies in Public Service Partial Approval - $125.00

4-hour class : "I Never Gave THAT a Thought!"

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Wednesday, Jan 12, 2022 at 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM EST

One might say that topics covered start with simply learning the ASL alphabet and explaining the unique behavior of people who have any level of hearing loss. Points learned have helped leverage liability since a great deal of the facts that will be taught are simply just not commonly known. Interacting with DHH is the key point in the class. Those who attend remotely are asked to purchase a pair of inexpensive pair of war plugs for our dive into the pool of the world of silence. See what it is like to have lost some of all of your hearing. The class is certified by many state agencies across the country that work with law enforcement as it relates to interacting with people with hearing loss. The class is fun to take, too!

Blindness separates people from things. Deafness separates people from people.

Tylin Promotions Worldwide


This class is facilitated by renowned staff of Tylin Promotions, leaders in Deaf Sensitivity training to governments and agencies. Among them are police, sheriffs, courts, public schools, mass transit, public safety such as hospitals, urgent care centers, and more. The culmination of study and interaction with organizations that work with people who are Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) resulted in this unique and highly intense training class entitled I Never Gave THAT a Thought!

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