What is Gov Jam ?
The Luxembourg GovJam is unique for its focus on public services – any services which are provided by the state. During two exciting days, people all around the globe will come together for 48 hours to develop brand new services inspired by a shared theme. We Jam to understand and meet the needs of citizens and the people who serve them. Fast pace of work in small groups, focus on users' needs, inspiration from various industries... mix of all those elements makes the Gov Jam an unforgettable experience.
Who is invited for the Lux Gov Jam?
Regardless of previous experience, people interested in creating services in public sector are encouraged to come together on generating ideas and tangible prototypes.From Santa Marta to Miami and Brasília to Berlin, the Gov Jam welcomes government ministers, city mayors, doctors, soldiers, police, tax officers, teachers… and a wide range of ordinary citizens and innovation specialists.
#LuxGovJam is the perfect context for public servants and citizens to Jam side by side and really appreciate each other’s world.
What is the outcome of a Gov Jam?
The main idea behind the Jam is to experience a design process centred on user experience, share knowledge and to have a good time. Even if this Jam does not focus on devising achievable projects to be implemented straight after the event, it will end up with many prototypes that can be the starting point for the future discussions and services.
This event is organised by Art Square Lab with support of Ministry of Digitalisation.
Registrations end on 11th November, hurry up!