Joy Trachsel
Ministry Team
Free to Be Ministries
Joy Trachsel,
Free to Be Ministry Team, Certified Mental Health Coach, Certified Premarital Prepare/Enrich Program Facilitator
Joy graduated from Mary Baldwin College with a degree in Business Administration. She has also done graduate studies at Trinity Evangelical School of Divinity. Joy has served over 10 years in the non-profit arena focusing on women in poverty and crisis. She has been speaking to women for over 15 years both nationally and internationally at women's events and can be heard on Moody Radio – Cleveland (WCRF) as part of the Pause For Prayer Team. She is also the author of The Great Cover-Up, a book that inspires women to say YES to God.
Joy is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors and a Certified Mental Health Coach. She is also a certified Prepare/Enrich program facilitator for enagaged couples seeking premaritial counseling. She has a passion for working with women that are feeling trapped by anxiety and depression and watching them be set free in Jesus.
About Joy Trachsel
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Ministry Team
Free to Be Ministries