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Friday, May 28, 2021 at 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM EDT
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Tickets for Speakers only
Everyone loves a good comeback story. Rocky, Rudy, Cool Running’s, we love to see the underdog come back from insurmountable odds and win in the end. You would think that our fascination with these stories would inspire us to do the same. There are millions of real stories to draw inspiration from. Humans without capes that are real life super heroes’ on earth. This past year has gotten a lot of flack, almost like it’s the first year in human history that we’ve experienced adversity. What we have failed to remember is that humans have been coming back from life’s obstacles since the beginning of time. This Positivity Summit like so many others will ask the age old question what do we do when things hit the fan?? Check out some amazing stories on May 28tth for a day of inspiration, and hope.
I am a former athlete, a global speaker, a 4x author, social entrepreneur, corporate trainer, but more importantly than any of those titles I’m a husband and father.
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