MGT-445: REP Plume Planning Course RPPR

Tuesday, Feb 26, 2019 at 1:30 PM to Thursday, Feb 28, 2019 at 5:00 PM EST

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Tuesday, Feb 26, 2019 at 1:30 PM to Thursday, Feb 28, 2019 at 5:00 PM EST

Course:             MGT-445: REP Plume Planning Course RPPR


Dates:               Feb 26-28, 2019


Course Time:   Tuesday: 1300-1700, Wed/Thurs: 0800-1700


Location:          Emergency Operations Facility

                          18 Stott Ave.

                          Norwich, CT 06360

Cost:                      Complimentary

Dress Code:           Business Casual

Travel:                   Students are responsible for their own travel arrangements

Registration:          Instructions and links to register are found on the following page.

Target audience:    Federal, State, Tribal, Utility, and Local Emergency Management

Prerequisites:         AWR-317 REP Core Concepts Course (RCCC) and IS-235.c Emergency Planning

Course Information:

This course focuses on the review of offsite response organizations’ radiological emergency preparedness (REP) plans and procedures utilizing the 16 planning standards (from 44 CFR Part 350 and 10 CFR § 50.47) and associated evaluation criteria (from NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev.1) which address protecting the health and safety of the public when responding during the plume phase of a radiological emergency at an NRC-licensed commercial nuclear power plant. The RPPR course will include training based on the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG)-101, annual plan reviews, and the Annual Letter of Certification (ALC) Review Guide process.

* Required: Each participant should bring a copy of the REP plan from the participant’s organization for use during the classroom exercises. The plan should include a NUREG-0654 cross-reference (NUREG Criterion P.8.ii) and a list of implementation procedures (NUREG Criterion P.7.i). Plans may be in electronic or hard copy form.  If you do not have a REP Emergency Response Plan, one will be provided to you for class activities.

RPPR student course materials are available online (Adobe Document Cloud):

The RPPR Student Manual and reference materials are available for download should you want to bring your personal portable electronic device to class for use.  (The online student materials are available prior to, during and after the class.) Instructions for downloading documents from the REP Training Student site are as follows:

·   From your portable electronic device, open your web browser and navigate to 

·   Login using the Adobe ID and Password, below:

oEnter Adobe ID ( (not case-sensitive)

oEnter Password (REP$tudent) (case-sensitive)

·   To download any document or folder from the cloud,

oSelect  Document Cloud  from the “File Lists”,

oSelect the appropriate course folder(s)

oSelect the check-box to the left of the document/folder name , and tool bars will appear

Select “Download


MGT-445 Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP)

Plume Plan Review Course (RPPR)


This course focuses on assisting Offsite Response Organizations (OROs) assess the adequacy of their REP plans and procedures using the NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP-1 planning standards  and evaluation criterion which address the public’s health and safety, potentially affected by a radiological incident at a NRC-licensed commercial nuclear power plant. The course includes training based on the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) -101, familiarization of Hostile-Action Based (HAB) plan review, annual plan review process, and the Annual Letter of Certification (ALC) Review Guide process.

Module 1.0 - Introduction/Course Overview.................................................................................................... (1.0 hour)

Module 2.0 - Emergency Planning Fundamentals............................................................................................ (1.0 hour)

Module 3.0 - NUREG Planning Standard “P”.............................................................................................. (1.0 hours)

Module 4.0 - Conducting a REP Plan Review .............................................................................................. (14.0 hours)

0.          A.1.a     [ i, ii ]    Assignment of Responsibility

1.          G.1       [ iii, v ]  Public Information and Education

2.          D.4       [ i ]       Emergency Classification System

3.          E.6       [ ii, ,v ]  Notification Methods and Procedures

4.          E.7       [ i, v ]    Notification Methods and Procedures

5.          I.7        [ i, ii ]    Accident Assessment    

6.          J.9        [ i, ii ]    Protective Response

7.          J.10.e    [ i, iv ]   Protective Response      

8.          K.5.a     [ ii, vi ]  Radiological Exposure Control

9.          L.1       [ i, iv ]   Medical & Public Health Support

10.        M.1      [ iv, vi ]Recovery and Reentry Planning and Post-Accident Operations

11.        F.1.a     [ i, iii ]   Emergency Communication

12.        N.2.a    [ i, iv ]   Exercises and Drills

13.        H.10     [ i, ii ]    Emergency Facilities and Equipment

Module 5.0 - Conducting a REP Plan Review—Hostile-Action Based (HAB) .................................... (2.0 hours)

1.          Overview (A.1.a / E.1 / F.1.c / G.4.a J.9 / J.10.g / K.3.a / N.1.b)

2.          C.6       [ i, iv ]   Emergency Response Support and Resources

Module 6.0 - Course Summary and Final Written Exam .............................................................................. (1.0 hour)




For more information or how to register:

POC: Barbara Thomas

Phone: 617-785-0754

POC: Brian Gran

Phone: 860-883-6829








Register with FEMA /Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP)

REP Plan Review will be offered February 26 - February 28 2019. To apply for this class, follow the instructions


1.            Have your FEMA SID number and password. You must have a FEMA SID number before you can apply for theclass.

    If you need a FEMA SID number, go to: click “Register for FEMA SID” or click “Forgot FEMA SID?” if you have forgotten your FEMASID.

    Registering for a FEMA SID number does not register you for this class. You must apply for the classseparately.

2.            Click this link to apply for the class: Click Here toApply.

    Enter your FEMA SID andpassword.

    A CDP Training Registration System (TRS) application for19N-0248 RPPR willopen.

    Complete the requiredfields.

    Click the "Review and Submit Application Now"button.

Complete the application process by clicking the affirmation checkbox and providing your digital signature by entering your name and FEMA SID password.

(If you have trouble with the link, go to enter 19N-0248 RPPR in the "Have a Promo Code?" box. You must enter the promo code exactly as it appears here to successfully apply).


Connecticut Emergency Management and Homeland Security