Mindful Behavior Change 09.19.23

Tuesday, Sep 19, 2023 at 5:30 PM to Tuesday, Nov 7, 2023 at 8:00 PM EST

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Supporting Tier Partial Approval - $725.00

We are very grateful that you chose to pay our supporting rate. This helps us continue to help others. If you would like CE credits for this class, you will select that as an add-on next. If you'd like to make a tax-deductible donation to help support our work, please visit chacmc.org/donate. *We are unable to offer refunds after the first class.

sales ended

Regular Tier Partial Approval - $540.00

Thank you for paying our regular rate! If you would like CE credits for this class, you will select that as an add-on next. If you'd like to make a tax-deductible donation to help support our work, please visit chacmc.org/donate. *We are unable to offer refunds after the first class.

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Need-Based Discount Partial Approval - $360.00

Thank you for paying what you can! If you would like CE credits for this class, you will select that as an add-on next. If this rate is still too high, please visit our Mindful Mental Health Service to learn more about our mindfulness courses that are billable to insurance; Massachusetts residents only: chacmc.org/mindful-mental-health. *We are unable to offer refunds after the first class.

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Tuesday, Sep 19, 2023 at 5:30 PM to Tuesday, Nov 7, 2023 at 8:00 PM EST

Mindful Behavior Change (MBC)

Initiating and maintaining behavior change is key to healthy living, even though we all know it can be difficult. We may need to make adjustments to our daily routines in order to prevent or manage many chronic medical and mental health conditions. The Mindful Behavior Change (MBC) program can help participants to become curious about and aware of their autopilot mode and come into a relationship with reality that allows for the possibility to emerge in a healing direction.

MBC is an 8-week group program developed by faculty at the Center for Mindfulness and Compassion (CMC). Inspired by Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and other 8-week mindfulness-based programs, MBC was developed with a trauma-informed approach and includes specific components for applying mindfulness to support health behavior change. MBC uses a gentle method, explicitly focusing on cultivating mindfulness as it enhances inner warmth and self-compassion. This program also trains participants to use mindfulness interpersonally to support behavior change.

*See our research studies based on this curriculum and find the course syllabus below.

You may wish to take this program if you are looking for support in finding and maintaining healthy behaviors, living well with chronic illness, managing stress, strengthening an existing mindfulness practice, making a change that you’ve always wanted to make, and being connected to a supportive and kind community.  

Each session will be experiential, involving group time with video on, as well as individual practice time with a choice for video off to support less screen time during the session together. We ask that you make a commitment to be present during the full 2 hours on most or all of the weeks so that your presence can be part of a consistent practice and community “container” for yourself and others. We look forward to our journey in living well together!

Center for Mindfulness and Compassion - Cambridge Health Alliance


The Center for Mindfulness & Compassion is part of the Cambridge Health Alliance and Harvard Medical School. Our mission is to enhance health and well-being by integrating mindfulness and compassion into healthcare and our communities with a commitment to inclusivity, accessibility, and diversity. Mindfulness and compassion are basic human capacities that support health and well-being. CMC is an organization grounded in current scientific understanding of mindfulness and compassion, and the promotion of empirically-supported theory and practice. CMC is committed to using mindfulness and compassion to foster an inclusive and caring community that ensures access on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity/culture, gender, sexuality, language, economic status, mental and physical ability, and literacy, recognizing that these often intersect.

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