Minute Takers Training/ Taking Meeting Minutes

Thursday, Nov 17, 2022 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM AWST

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Thursday, Nov 17, 2022 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM AWST

Workshops and group training are available in Gold Coast, Adelaide. Darwin. Sydney. Parramatta. Perth. Canberra. Melbourne. Brisbane. Also available as a workshop or one-on-one coaching session. You can also visit the public workshops tab.

Is it a requirement to take minutes at a meeting? Do you want your team to learn more about Minute taking? This training session is ideal for people who require extra skills to be minute takers. How to improve note taking and maintain correct information in meetings. This session will help you learn how to properly record minutes, who the decision-makers are, and what to record. Your team will be equipped with the knowledge as well as the skills necessary to become a competent minute taker.

Individuals who find themselves overwhelmed by meeting deadlines and appointments are likely to need to be accurate in their minute-taking. This course is intended to teach individuals how to be more efficient in their business meetings and speeches. This course will teach you how to be an efficient time taker, take quick notes and prepare presentations.

Your organisation could be affected by the decisions made at meetings. Training in this area may be necessary to ensure that these decisions are correct, and that your minutes are accurate. This session provides your team with a fun and skill-based training program that will allow them to immediately benefit from it. Learn how to record quality meetings minutes, and the importance of accurate minute taking.

Minute Taking Objectives

Recognize the importance of minute-taking

A meeting's Minute Takers are crucial for a successful outcome. Meetings that are not properly recorded, miss information, or have discussions missed will result in a lower likelihood of success. Our trainer demonstrates the importance and value of this role.

Key minute-taking skills such as listening, critical thinking and organization are essential.

To be a good minute taker, you need to have the basic skills. These skills can be used in advanced levels to improve performance and individual abilities. The trainer will help you with any questions or concerns. Participants will have the opportunity to enhance their existing skills.

You will be able to resolve many of the complaints which plague minute-takers

Common workplace issues are faced by Minute Takers. Our trainers provide assistance to organisations throughout Australia and can offer insight into common issues and solutions.

Write action and formal minutes.

How does the style of writing change depending on the type of meeting you are holding? Do you want to learn more about creating the best minutes for your organization? This section provides information on the formats and writing styles required for different types of meetings.

Take efficient minutes in all types of meetings

This practical guide will show you how to be a good minute-taker in any meeting, no matter the format. Here are activities that will help you apply many of these skills.

You will be able to prepare and maintain a minute book

How can you make a minute book? Participants will learn from our trainer how to prepare a minute book and how to keep it.

Interactive and tailored

You can have mockup meetings, activities, and information included to make an interactive or custom session that suits your needs. All our training includes the option of a customized workbook to meet your needs and industry. Contact our content team to learn more about Paramount's assistance.

Paramount Training & Development
