Mom Walk: The Mom Walk Co. Colorado Springs

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM MDT

Cottonwood Creek Park, 7040 Rangewood Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 80918, United States

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Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM MDT

Cottonwood Creek Park, 7040 Rangewood Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 80918, United States.


Melissa Gaskin, Integrative Nutrition Coach

Bright Birdy Candles

Cassey Elliott, Real Estate Agent

Connected Brain Counseling

Megan Niles, Realtor

De Moi a Toi Gift Boutique

CoverUp Window Wells

KateLu Interiors


This event will be at Cottonwood Creek Park.


We will be meeting in the grass closest to the second parking lot off Montarbor Dr (the second right turn you can make after turning onto Montarbor from Dublin). You can park in either lot, or on Montarbor Dr.


We will do the giveaways at 3:15pm then start walking after that.


We will be walking the Cottonwood Creek Trail for 0.5miles then turning around to head to the playground at Cottonwood Creek Park, so the older kiddos can play.


The walk will be around 1 mile total so we hit the #MileADayForMay! We are keeping this walk/event shorter since this is our first afternoon walk and we are testing it out :)


The trail is stroller friendly, but you can carry your little one if that's easier for you!


Please check @themomwalkco.coloradosprings on instagram or "The Mom Walk Co - Colorado Springs" on Facebook for updates depending on weather.


Can't wait to walk with you!

Cancellation policy

Please cancel if you cannot make it so we have an accurate headcount! Thanks :)

The Mom Walk Collective