Registration: Online registration (including credit card number) is required for all participants. The cost is voided for funded registrants (i.e. perinatal staff members of TBRHSC including RRTs, nurses from NICU/L&D/Maternal Newborn/Emergency/Pediatrics Department).
Registration: $150.00 for non-perinatal staff
Textbooks can be purchased from Season’s Gift Shop. A limited number of textbooks are available for loan through the TBRHSC Library.
Target Audience: This interprofessional program is intended for health care providers who want to learn the fundamental concepts of neonatal resuscitation (i.e. nurses, physicians, registered midwives, registered respiratory therapists, residents and paramedics).
Description: The program consists of 2 parts.
1. Self-Study of the 6th edition Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation (2011) and successful completion of the NRP online examination is required prior to attending the course.
2. Participation in the one-day, hands on course.
1. Successful completion of the online examination (within 30 days prior to the course).
2. Performance Skill Stations
3. Integrated Skills Stations (with Megacode evaluation)
4. Simulation and Debriefing
For further information, call Tracey Hill @ 684-6980 or