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Wednesday, Aug 21, 2019 at 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM CET
De Nieuwe Yogaschool, Laurierstraat 109, The Jordaan 1016 PL, Amsterdam, Amsterdam , 00000, Netherlands
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IMMERSION for Trainers/Co-Trainers Only. These sessions are IN-PERSON ONLY. It is not necessary for you to attend a retreat to join these special GTP sessions.
De Nieuwe Yogaschool, Laurierstraat 109, Amsterdam, Amsterdam , 00000, Netherlands.
Immersion with Sat Shree- for Trainors/Co-Trainors only
If you are cancelling your training session, please email New Dharma at
This event is currently unable to accept new registrations
Trainers/Co-Trainors only, including lunch break on your own.
Please enter below, the secure invite code provided to you by the event organizer in order to proceed...
(Please use a genuine email address. It will be used to validate your request)