New Dharma Silent Weekend

Friday, Sep 1, 2017 at 7:00 PM to Sunday, Sep 3, 2017 at 12:00 PM GST

355 McClellan Dr., Washoe Valley, NV, 89704, United States

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Silent Weekend - Non-Residents Partial Approval - $40.00

Fees are per person and do not include accommodations. Please contact for your accommodations.

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Silent Weekend - Residents Partial Approval - $25.00

Fees are per person and do not include accommodations.

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Friday, Sep 1, 2017 at 7:00 PM to Sunday, Sep 3, 2017 at 12:00 PM GST

The Silent Weekend in Washoe will will be led by Sheila Ramsey and Mirion Schultz and link up energetically with the SAT Weekend in Europe conducted by Sat Shree.

It is only through having a body and becoming an individuated ego that the Universe can become known to us. The practice of sitting in silence and stillness provides the opening through which we can experience the Divine. We begin with our existence, the I Am. Presence is the point of contact for these domains, and sitting together in presence amplifies the intention and creates a container for us. Please join us for a deep and intimate exploration. 

We will open Friday night with an introduction to the weekend and the setting of intention. The schedule of sittings and other offerings will be presented at that time.

New Dharma is a nonprofit organization founded in 2009 to support the teachings of Sat Shree. New Dharma’s purpose is to inspire mankind to embrace a new consciousness through actively living universal spiritual principles in everyday life.

Contact the Organizer
