New Jersey Chapters' CPCU All-Industry Day 2016

Friday, Sep 30, 2016 at 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM EST

The Palace at Somerset Park, 333 Davidson Avenue, Somerset, NJ, 08873, United States

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This option is available for guests of the following I-Day Sponsor levels: Reception/Luncheon, Platinum, Gold, Breakfast, and Company/Agency tables

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Full Day Member Partial Approval - $155.00

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Full Day Non-Member Partial Approval - $170.00

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Breakfast & Seminar Only Non-Member Partial Approval - $95.00

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Luncheon Only - Member Partial Approval - $70.00

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Luncheon Only - Non-Member Partial Approval - $75.00

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Friday, Sep 30, 2016 at 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM EST

The Palace at Somerset Park, 333 Davidson Avenue, Somerset, NJ, 08873, United States.


  8:00 AM -  8:30 AM - Registration and Breakfast

 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM - Two Concurrent Continuing Education Seminars

 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM - One Continuing Education Seminar

11:30 AM - 12 Noon - Networking

12:30 PM -  2:30 PM - Luncheon and CPCU Conferment


Keynote Speaker: Karen Schmitt, FCAS, MAAA, FCIA, Chief Financial Officer, Maiden Holdings


Conferring Officer: Stephen Anderson, CPCU, ARM, SPHR, ITP, AIC, AIM, AINS, AIS, API, Sales Executive for The Institutes


Seminars - (Attendees will have a choice of one of the three seminars offered)

8:30 - 11:30


Emerging Insurance Issues – Sharing Economy, Legal Marijuana, & Internet of Things


This session will focus on issues related to these topics, and how they affect the insurance industry. 


Instructors: Gerry Finley, SVP Casualty Treaty Underwriting, Munich Reinsurance America; Christopher Sirota, CPCU, Emerging Issues Product Development Lead, ISO




They Break It, You Buy It - Basic Risk and Claims Management of Slips, Trips, Falls, Sprains, & Strains


The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 20% of the total amount of missed time on the job is due to back injuries.  And according to the US Department of Labor, 25% of reported on the job injuries are due to slips, trips, and falls.  These claims are high frequency and potentially deadly.  Successfully understanding and managing these exposures is imperative for any employer and insurance industry professional.  This course will focus on the basic circumstances surrounding these injuries, how to prevent them, best practices for claims management, and their downstream impacts on workers’ compensation ratings and premiums. 


Panelists: Matthew A. Struck, CPCU, Brown & Brown Public Risk Advisors of New Jersey; Veronica George, Inservco Insurance Services, Inc.; Michael Pierson, AIC, MPierson Consulting, LLC; Sanford Brown, Verisk Insurance Solutions


9:30 - 11:30 Approved for 2 NJ CEs


Lloyd's of London - Joint with Excess and Surplus Lines Interest Group and International Insurance Interest Group.

This session will answer the question “What is Lloyd's”? Attendees will understand Lloyd's role in the marketplace and how it conducts business both in the US and worldwide. Specific examples of problem solving and new opportunities created by US brokers and Lloyd’s underwriters will be provided by a local MGA with syndicate binding authority, aka, “coverholder”. 

Instructors: Hank Watkins, President North America Lloyd’s (New York) and Larry Goanos, President APRI (Red Bank NJ).



Cancellation policy

No cancelations or refunds after September 15, 2016.  Substitute attendees allowed.

Central and New Jersey Chapters CPCU Society

The 48th annual New Jersey All-Insurance Industry Day is presented by the New Jersey and Central Jersey Chapters of the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters (CPCU) Society. Join us as we celebrate this year’s class of new designees and forty-eight years of providing a quality event! Questions or additional information: Contact

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