This workshop provides an opportunity for staff at municipalities in Northwest Ontario to share progress and challenges with their asset management in compliance with O.Reg. 588/17 (Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure). This workshop features presentations about the asset management journeys at the City of Thunder Bay and City of Kenora. The lessons and challenges discussed would be common to municipalities of all sizes. As well, a new climate resilience tool/resource will be introduced that will be of interest to all municipalities. This meeting is intended to be - as much as reasonably possible in a virtual environment - an opportunity to share and network with fellow staff working in asset management at NW Ontario municipalities.
The intention of this workshop is to facilitate discussion and networking among staff at northwest Ontario municipalities at various stages of their asset management journeys.
10 a.m.
Chris Chen
Executive Director,
Asset Management Ontario
10:10 a.m.
Thunder Bay’s Asset Management Journey
Steven Murphy
Project Manager,
City of Thunder Bay
Discussion & Sharing
10:40 a.m.
City of Kenora’s Asset Management Journey
David Mellor
Project Engineer,
City of Kenora
Discussion & Sharing
11:10 a.m.
Introduction to RPWCO’s Climate Resilience Roadmap Resource:
- Tool/resource developed by Regional Public Works Commissioners of Ontario (RPWCO)
- Designed for municipalities aiming to incorporate climate resilience into asset management
- Includes activities & templates
- Intended for municipalities of all sizes
Amy Coomes
Sustainability Coordinator,
City of Thunder Bay
Discussion & Sharing
Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing
or Ministry of Infrastructure
To be confirmed
Closing Remarks