October 2018 Leadership Series

Wednesday, Oct 24, 2018 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM CST

900 Thompson Street, Austin, TX, 78702, United States

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Wednesday, Oct 24, 2018 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM CST

Eastside Early College High School , 900 Thompson Street, Austin, TX, 78702, United States.

"Incorporating Health and Wellness Into Your OST Program"


Please join us as we explore ways your Healthy Out-of-School Time Program (before/after school and summer programs) can begin Fostering School, Out-of-School Time and Community Connections to strengthen the healthy eating and physical activity environment for the students you serve.


The research in Out-of-School Time (OST) has proven that students who get the nutrients they need and stay physically active are better learners, stay on task, and have better attendance. Come discover how your Out-of-School Time program is positioned to play an essential role in impacting the health and wellness of the students you serve. You will learn about the CDC’s Whole School, Whole Child, Whole Community Model (WSCC), where OST fits into the model, the impact your program(s) can make in collaboration with schools and communities. We will also explore national healthy eating and physical activity standards and how your OST program can get started implementing policies and practices that support those standards.     


Training Objectives:

·       The Understand how schools and OST programs can create winning partnerships 

·       Understand how physical activity and healthy eating fit into the OST environment and how to lead implementation efforts in your school community (Whole School, Whole Child, Whole Community Model (WSCC), School Wellness Committees (SWC) and Local Wellness Policies (LWP).   

·       Understand how the OST school health components support wellness policies and develop implementation action steps.   

·       Explore tools and resources to support OST programs implementing healthy eating and physical activity standards  



Learn All The Time is an intermediary organization with a clear focus and strategic plan to increase the quality, outcomes, and the capacity of out of school time (OST) programs.

Contact the Organizer