Online Class: The Secrets of RAW Exposure

Friday, Nov 30, 2018 at 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM EST

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Friday, Nov 30, 2018 at 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM EST

The Secrets of RAW Exposure

(Or what your camera histogram isn't telling you)

Friday, November 30, 2018
12:00 Noon Eastern Time (online class)

histogram meme

You may know that your camera's histogram is a useful exposure tool, but do you know why it's wrong for RAW capture?

In fact, relying on your in-camera histogram can often lead to noisy images, even when the exposure is "correct."

By understanding how your digital camera sensor records data, you'll get a complete understanding of why the "correct" exposure doesn't always match what the histogram says. From there, I'll teach you some useful ways of setting up your camera to record the best possible exposure and then make the necessary adjustments to that image in post-processing.


Live Online Training Event

You will be able to ask questions during the class.
You must register by 10am Eastern Time on the day of the class. 

Instructional Fee: $14.99 per person

Includes a PDF notes package and video download of the class for review.



To complete registration, you must return to the event page.

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Jason P. Odell Photography

Jason P. Odell is a professional photographer and educator from Colorado Springs, Colorado. Jason specializes in wildlife, landscape, and creative urban themes. He has authored 13 comprehensive photography guides, including guides to Nikon's Capture NX, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Nik Plug-ins. Jason's photography has been featured by Nik Software, Tiffen, Studio Photography Magazine, Wildlife Photographic Magazine, Singh- Ray Filters, and Digital Silver Imaging.

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