Oregon 2-Day Academic Detailing Techniques Training (Opioids focus)

Tuesday, Jun 25, 2019 at 8:30 AM to Wednesday, Jun 26, 2019 at 4:30 PM PST

890 Oak St SE, Salem, Oregon, 97301 , United States

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Tuesday, Jun 25, 2019 at 8:30 AM to Wednesday, Jun 26, 2019 at 4:30 PM PST

Salem Health, 890 Oak St SE, Salem, Oregon, 97301 , United States.

We offer a unique and dynamic course that provides a critical foundation for clinical outreach educators. We're with you each step of the way, offering personalized instruction through diverse learning platforms, featuring:

role play, lecture, discussion, small group breakout sessions,
networking, expert panels, modeling, & more.

Hundreds of trainees have completed our 2-day course ready to visit practices, build trusting relationships with front-line clinicians, skillfully share best evidence, and successfully implement effective health interventions.
A trainee educates a clinician on the use of an app-based cardiovascular risk calculator.

Breakout group members provide supportive feedback during 
our 2-day techniques training.
A trainee and facilitator work 1:1 to review the structure of a visit.

Testimonials from Our Trainees

“This was the best and most efficient healthcare-related training course I’ve been to.”

“Just the right amount of didactic, practice, then putting it all together—I'm ready to develop materials & try it.”

“I appreciate that the facilitators, presenters, and staff took the time to get to know each one of us.”

“I came away with refined communication skills and improved clinical knowledge, thanks to the outstanding facilitators.”

“I now have the confidence to carry out a
successful educational visit!"

Cancellation policy

Please contact our team at narcad@bwh.harvard.edu at least 30 days prior to the event date if you need to cancel your registration, so that we may offer your class spot to a pending registrant on our wait list.

NaRCAD: The National Resource Center for Academic Detailing


About NaRCAD: Founded in 2010 and operating within Brigham & Women's Division of Pharmacoepidemiology & Pharmacoeconomics [DoPE], our resource center supports clinical outreach education programs across the United States, Canada, and beyond. With our trainings and ongoing program support, those educators visit front line clinicians, helping them make the best, evidence-based decisions. And those decisions improve the health of diverse populations, including underserved patients who need it the most. Our Focus Areas: We provide expertise and support to organizations that educate clinicians on the best evidence that's relevant to their practices and patients. Whether we're training new educators on effective social marketing techniques, helping organizations develop their programs, creating and refining resources and tools to strengthen educators' success rates, helping programs evaluate their impact, or connecting educators through our extensive Partner Network and annual conference series, we're always working to magnify the impact of clinical outreach education.

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