In the fast-paced world businesses and companies , change is inevitable. You will discover new people, ideas, and perspectives as you gain experience in the company, and you even get promoted within your ranks. This transition can be hard as it might make it more difficult to accept or tolerate new people, especially if you are already attached to your former colleagues. This problem can not only affect your company's productivity but it could also lead to violence that could endanger your professional career. Both employees and companies must find ways to make this transition process easier to maintain the flow of ideas and profits for both you and your company.
We take orientation seriously as it is the first step to company integration. We are here to help you with workbooks, quality training sessions, and a solid first impression.
This training session is designed for people who are constantly changing. This course is ideal for tenured employees who want to learn how to make their workplace more welcoming to new employees. This training course will help you present new concepts to your employees. Your trainer will guide you through each step. You can add on to this training course to meet your needs.
Customised Orientation Outcomes:
How to work together
Employees must be able and willing to work in a team. The trainer demonstrates how to integrate into a new organization and how to communicate with existing staff.
The Business Policies - safety, complaints, etc
We will provide information about your business policies, including the procedure for handling complaints and safety.
What are your expectations of your new employees?
The trainers will help the new employees understand their respective roles. You can adapt this section or other modules to meet your training requirements.
Additional Information required for the Orientation
Each organisation is unique. There may be one person or several people in your organisation. Their needs will differ. You can have your training customized to meet your needs.
Tailor Made For Your Orientation Needs
You can choose from a wide range of materials to help your new employees. You can also include skills from our training collection into your customized training program if you need a more personalized training session. Our editors can create workbooks that are customized and well-designed for your employees. This will allow them to learn in a more systematic way. Our library also includes skills such as Customer Service, Retail Sales, Public Speaking, and many more. We have gathered the best minds to help you and your employees.
This training is available in Darwin, Perth and Adelaide as well as Sydney, Parramatta and Canberra. Call 1300 810 725 for more information.