Spring 2025 DANCE CLASS SERIES inspired by AXIS SYLLABUS with Kathleen Rea

Multiple dates / times

Roncesvalle United Church Yoga studio (wheelchair accessible), 240, Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto, ON, M6R 1M3, Canada

1. Select Seats

2. Review and Proceed

Multiple dates / times

Roncesvalle United Church Yoga studio (wheelchair accessible), 240, Toronto, ON, M6R 1M3, Canada.


FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/events/1699543134248401/1699543144248400/

Dance class series with the certified teacher of the Axis syllabus, Kathleen Rea. Together we will study information on flexibility, strength, alignment, anatomical attributes, and ways of moving that aim to be safe and energy-conservative. Kathleen will refer to physics, anatomy, and relevant scientific data from various fields through the lens of the Axis Syllabus.  Information from the Axis Syllabus will be applied to movement practices that fly across the floor at an intermediate and advanced level.

WHAT IS THE AXIS SYLLABUS? The Axis Syllabus is a compendium of information relevant to the training, preparation, and performance of the moving human body. The Axis Syllabus refers to physics, anatomy, and relevant scientific data on flexibility, strength, alignment, and injuries. Teachers of the Axis Syllabus use these information-references to inform their own movement choices and practices and to explore the what, where, and, how of efficiency and safe risk-taking.  Common-sense applications can be explored that apply information from the Axis Syllabus to all of life's activities as well as specific practices such as climbing, horseback riding, construction work, sports, dance, running, etc. Those who want to be involved in the Axis Syllabus form an international community through the ASRM (The Axis Syllabus Research Meshwork) a dynamic and interactive forum of teachers, researchers, and students. 


7:30 to 7:45 pm
Facilitated warm-up
7:45 pm to 9:00 pm
Opening Circle and Class

Thursday Evenings
Early Spring 7 Class Series
March 6
March 13
March 20
March  27
April 3
April 10
April 17

Late Spring 7 Class Series
April 24
May 1
May 8
may 15
may 22
May 29
June 5

Attendees are encouraged to sign up for the class series to gain maximum benefits and drop-ins are also welcome. 

LOCATION: Roncesvalles United Church, 240 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto
(Parking lot entrance, up the ramp to yoga/dance studio that overlooks parking lot) 

ACCESS: Wheelchair-accessible studio and washrooms. Please contact us at kathleen.rea@reasondetre.com if you require accommodation or if you have any questions about access.

$170 (full 7-class series).
$145 Mid-Sliding Scale Rate (full 7-class series)
$120 Lower Sliding Rate (full 7-class series)

$95 Lower Sliding Rate (full 7-class series)
Only 3 are available and people must register online to access this lowest rate. 

$28 Drop-in for a class

TEACHER: Kathleen Rea danced with Canada’s Ballet Jorgen, National Ballet of Canada & Tiroler Landestheater (Austria). She fell in love with contact improvisation 22 years ago & has been involved in the community ever since. She has choreographed over 40 dance works and has been nominated for 5 DORA awards. Kathleen has a learning disability which means writing takes 6 times longer than average. It is one of life’s mysteries that despite this struggle she loves writing and is a published author (The Healing Dance). She has a Master’s in Expressive Arts with a minor in Psychology. She is a certified teacher of the Axis Syllabus and Buteyko Breathing. She is the director of REAson d’etre dance, a Toronto not-for-profit dance company that is contact improvisation based and produces a weekly jam, a Film Fest, and dance theatre productions. She has autism & works to educate the world about neurodiversity. She developed the well-read REAson d’etre dance Dance Jam Guidelines (download here) which over the past 20 years have influenced consent culture in the contact improvisation worldwide community. She also is the founder of the Contact Improv Consent Culture Blog. Kathleen Rea's Demo Reel

- There will be a commercial HEPA filter running during class time.

- The four studio windows will be open (weather permitting)

- Masks will be optional (about 10% to 20 % of people attending wear masks)

- Contiguous skin eruptions or infections need to be covered by a medical-grade dressing

- Please do not attend if you are ill.


REAson detre dance is funded by:
Toronto Arts Council
Ontario Arts Council
The Canadian Heritage Foundation


REAson d'etre dance productions


REAson d'etre dance stages and programs events (Dance-theatre, workshops, Film Festivals based on Contact Improvisation and functional movement so we can utilize the inclusiveness that can be a part of these movement forms. Our vision is for both professional dancers and everyday people to be inspired and invigorated by Contact Improvisation and functional movement. REAson d'etre dance strives to provide artistic expression through movement, inclusive of age, ability, level or background. We say that we strive because due to lack of resources, the iniquities of society, and competing access needs inevitably access will be affected despite our attempts to make things as accessible as possible.

Contact the Organizer
