OSTex Conference hosted by LATT & TXPOST

Saturday, Mar 3, 2018 at 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM CST

3401 Webberville Rd, Austin, Texas, 78702, United States

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LATT Organization Partners (Small) Partial Approval - Free

Small LATT partner organizations are awarded 5 FREE slots for the OSTex conference. Please include individual names and organizations when registering. Additional slots cost $45. Not sure of your organization's size? Contact allison@learnallthetime.org for assistance!

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LATT Organization Partners (Medium) Partial Approval - Free

Medium LATT partner organizations are awarded 10 FREE slots for the OSTex conference. Additional slots cost $45. Not sure of your organization's size? Contact allison@learnallthetime.org for assistance!

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LATT Organization Partners (Large) Partial Approval - Free

Large LATT partner organizations are awarded 15 FREE slots for the OSTex conference. Additional slots cost $45. Not sure of your organization's size? Contact allison@learnallthetime.org for assistance!

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Non-LATT Partners and General Registration Partial Approval - $45.00

Registration for non-LATT partners and additional registrations for partner organizations outside of provided slots. Also partners who do not take advantage of their free slots by Feb 23, 2018 will need to pay for registrations under this option. For information on becoming a LATT partner before registration, please contact allison@learnallthetime.org.

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Saturday, Mar 3, 2018 at 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM CST

Austin Community College- Eastview Campus, 3401 Webberville Rd, Austin, Texas, 78702, United States.

Join us for the OSTex Conference hosted by Learn All The Time (LATT), in partnership with Texas Partnership for Out of School Time (TXPOST).  We invite you to "Grow, Improve, Lead" with other out-of-school time professionals, community partners, leaders, policy makers and more. 

OSTex Conference sessions provide opportunities for learning through a variety of options such as keynote speakers, breakout sessions, networking and an exhibit hall.  

This year's conference will focus on topics of program quality and innovation, advocacy strategies and meaningful program and organizational outcomes in alignment with the TXPOST standards. Additionally, we are excited to offer an engaging keynote and breakout sessions focused on storytelling as a powerful, transformative tool for personal and professional growth and leadership development during changing times in our world and field.

Participants will walk away with many resources, tips and new contacts. Get ready for a fun-filled, engaging, and inspirational day of learning with colleagues across various sectors of the out of school time field.

For the latest information on conference agenda, speakers and sessions, and logistics, please visit our OSTex Conference page.

LATT serves as an intermediary organization whose purpose is to guide a research-based approach to coordinate the work of out-of-school time (OST) service providers, public agencies, funders, and schools to achieve the common vision that all Central Texas children and youth become future ready by participating in an eco-system of high-quality out-of-school time experiences. TXPOST is a statewide network of nonprofit, public and private sector partners dedicated to increasing the quality and availability of out of school time (OST) opportunities for Texas youth. We believe every child deserves programs rich with creativity and opportunities for enrichment.

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