PEA US Fundraising Forum

Thursday, Sep 28, 2017 at 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM GST

Times Square Tower, 7 Times Square, New York, New York, 10036 , United States

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Forum Only (Afternoon Sessions) Partial Approval - £145.00

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Subscribers Admin fee* Partial Approval - £77.50

*Subscribers can get money paid back as credit on a subscriptions renewal. Only applies to Standard and Corporate Subscribers.

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Thursday, Sep 28, 2017 at 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM GST

O'Melveny & Myers, Times Square Tower, New York, New York, 10036 , United States.


The US is the biggest source of private equity fund capital – and home to the oldest and most sophisticated LPs, intermediaries and gatekeepers.

What does it take to successfully raise capital in this market? What are LPs looking for from Africa-focused platforms? How can a first-time fund manager navigate the myriad of complex marketing regulations without having to pay high intermediary fees?

This editorial-led how-to event will bring together industry leading investors and advisors to share thoughts on strategies for successfully raising capital in the US market.


MORNING SESSIONS:  Masterclasses (Very limited space: Masterclasses not open to Legal or Fund Admin Advisors ) 

AFTERNOON SESSIONS:  LP-GP Panels + Open Room Debate Session


*Successful fund positioning in the US market
*Strategies for marketing to each sub-set of US LPs
*US Fundraising forecasts under the Trump administration
*Navigating complex regulations around fundraising
*Fund structures and jurisdictions favoured by US LPs
*Strategies for creating & maintaining relationships when not actively fundraising
*What first-time managers should be doing differently
*Lessons learnt: Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts

Private Equity Africa

Private Equity Africa

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