PER-316 REP Accident Assessment Concepts Course (RAAC)

Monday, Jun 10, 2019 at 8:00 AM to Friday, Jun 14, 2019 at 5:00 PM EST

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Monday, Jun 10, 2019 at 8:00 AM to Friday, Jun 14, 2019 at 5:00 PM EST

Course:             PER-316 REP Accident Assessment Concepts Course (RAAC)


Dates:               June 10-14, 2019 (Sun-June 9 and Sat- June 15 will be travel days, if required)


Course Time:   Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

                          Voluntary evening sessions Monday and Tuesday: 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm


Location:          Fort Trumbull

                          90 Walbach Street

                          New London, CT 06320


Class is limited to 20 participants.


Course Information:

This course addresses the consequences of incidents involving radioactive materials, with emphasis placed on incidents at commercial nuclear power plants. The course focuses on the technical concepts involved in formulating protective action recommendations, including atmospheric dispersion models, dose projection methods, use of protective action guides, analysis of field team data, and calculation of derived intervention levels. Participants engage in problem-solving sessions and a tabletop exercise.

Enrollment is limited to Federal, State, and local radiological assessment/health physics staff. Private sector (e.g. utility company) technical staff may also apply. This course is not intended for Emergency Management Staff. Participants must possess a familiarity with mathematics involving exponents and logarithms. Each student should bring a scientific calculator to perform required calculations and an electronic device to run Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (laptop). Homework will be given to reinforce learning objectives.

This course has been certified by the American Academy for Health Physics for 40 CEUs. This course is certified by ACE for 2 post graduate hours of instruction.


Required Prerequisites:

 Completion of the Independent Study course IS-303 is required prior to attending the course. Course manager must review all applications prior to acceptance.

Participants must have a CDP student ID number to attend. (


RequiredCompletion of IS-303 (          





For more information or how to register:


POC: Barbara Thomas FEMA


Phone: 617-785-0754

POC: Bryan Gran CT

Phone: 860-883-6829








Radiological Accident Assessment will be offered June 10 - June 14 2019. To apply for this class, follow the

instructions below:

1.                         Have your FEMA SID number and password. You must have a FEMA SID number before you can apply for theclass.

     If you need a FEMA SID number, go to: click “Register for FEMA SID” or click “Forgot FEMA SID?” if you have forgotten your FEMASID.

     Registering for a FEMA SID number does not register you for this class. You must apply for the classseparately.

2.                         Click this link to apply for the class: Click Here toApply.

     Enter your FEMA SID andpassword.

     A CDP Training Registration System (TRS) application for19N-0286 RAAC willopen.

     Complete the requiredfields.

     Click the "Review and Submit Application Now"button.

Complete the application process by clicking the affirmation checkbox and providing your digital signature by entering your name and FEMA SID password.

(If you have trouble with the link, go to enter 19N-0286 RAAC in the "Have a Promo Code?" box. You must enter the promo code exactly as it appears here to successfully apply).

3.                         Ifyouencounteranyerrors,pleasedonotattempttobypassorskipthroughthem.Pleasedocumenttheerrorwithasmanydetailsaspossibleand/orscreenshots(printscreen)andsubmittoFEMASIDHELP@cdpemail.dhs.govsotheerrorcanbedocumentedandaddressedbythedevelopmentteam.Oncetheerrorhasbeenreported,thenproceed.

Connecticut Emergency Management and Homeland Security