As a part of the ISC2020 Atlanta, George Allan, SantaStudios is offering attendees an incredible opportunity for professional marketing portraits, and contributing to supporting the charitable fundraisers. The sessions are up to 15 minutes with no limit to the number of poses that can be taken during the session period. The $199 session fee is a substantial discount from his normal rate of $299. You will receive:
- Two (2) digital images you select from the photos taken during your session. Your selection appointment will be within a short period following the ISC.
George is generously donating $100 back from each portrait session to IBRBS for the charitable fundraising efforts and ISC expenses. Our goal is 100 sessions*. Here is a great opportunity to build your brand and polish your image with marketing pieces and portraits from George and support our IBRBS Charities.
To see George's work, visit the Santa Studios or Santa Studios/IBRBS sites.
Your photo can be taken as a portrait or full-length, in the look of your choice - formal suit, Christmas casual, or civilian attire. For couples, during your 15-minute session, George can take both individual and couple poses.
* George has allotted time for up to 68 sessions during the ISC. Each 15-minute session requires a separate fee. You can purchase additional tickets for an additional session, but time slots are based on availability with no guarantee you will have consecutive sessions. Additionally, he has offered to travel the East coast during Spring and Summer where sufficient Christmas Performers can schedule several people for their own personal sessions. To find out more about this offer, visit the Santa Studios/IBRBS website.
NOTE: Registering for the session authorizes IBRBS to share your name, email address, and phone number with George Allan for your after shoot consultation and digital image selection process.
Cancellation Policy
All payments for any photographic appointment are considered to be retainers, and as such, IBRBS, the ISC2020, and the photographer will not process Cancellation refunds for a reserved session. If for whatever reason you can not make your scheduled appointment, you are expected to swap your session or find a replacement. We recommend you contact another colleague and handle the transfer privately. Payments for your photo session are non-refundable.
Have Questions?
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