Preparing the 2023 UDS Report

Tuesday, Nov 28, 2023 at 8:30 AM to Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023 at 12:00 PM EST

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Tuesday, Nov 28, 2023 at 8:30 AM to Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023 at 12:00 PM EST

Preparing the 2023 UDS Report


Bi-State Primary Care Association is pleased to host the 2023 Bureau of Primary Health Care UDS Training on November 28 and 29, 2023. This annual training will be conducted virtually in a series of two 3-hour virtual training sessions with an additional 30-minute question and answer period on the second day.


The virtual six-hour training on Preparing the 2023 UDS Report will be conducted by JSI consultant Amanda Lawyer, MPH.  Amanda serves as the Project Manager and Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator of the BPHC’s Uniform Data System (UDS) program providing direct support to the over 1,400 health centers, vendors, and BPHC staff. She is an experienced UDS trainer, reviewer, and TA provider as well as a dedicated member of the support line that provides instruction on the UDS Report over phone and email.


When: November 28 & 29, 2023  

The annual UDS training will be conducted virtually in a series of two trainings as follows. Participants should plan to attend all sessions for a full and comprehensive understanding of the complete UDS report. 

Session One: November 28, 2023: 8:30 am – 11:30 am

Session Two: November 29, 2023: 8:30 am – 11:30 am, (Q&A: 11:30 am – 12:00 pm)



  • Understand the who, what, when, where, and how of UDS reporting. 
  • Discuss common reporting errors and tips for success.
  • Review key resources and support available.  


Attendees will:  

  • Gain an understanding of reporting the UDS including: the patient profile, reporting clinical services and quality of care indicators, operational and financial tables, and other required UDS reporting forms. 
  • Learn about the new requirements included in 2023 reporting.
  • Learn tips for success including strategies for submission.
  • Receive valuable resources that provide further reporting guidance.

Bi-State Primary Care Association

Bi-State Primary Care Association is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that represents New Hampshire and Vermont’s 28 Community Health Centers serving over 315,400 patients at 143 locations across every county in New Hampshire and Vermont. Bi-State works to promote access to quality, affordable primary health care with an emphasis on reaching underserved populations. Bi-State Primary Care Association was founded as a 501(c)3 charitable organization in 1986 with offices in Bow, New Hampshire, and Montpelier, Vermont. Bi-State Primary Care Association holds a cooperative agreement with the Health Resources and Services Administration Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) to provide training and technical assistance (T/TA) to safety-net providers. This T/TA is based on statewide and regional needs to help health centers improve programmatic, clinical, and financial performance and operations. Under this cooperative agreement, Bi-State also helps health centers and look-alikes plan for the growth of health centers in their state, as well as develop strategies to recruit and retain staff. For more information on the role of Primary Care Associations, please visit the BPHC website.

Contact the Organizer

Amanda Lawyer, MPH
Project Director, John Snow, Inc.
John Snow, Inc.
Amanda Lawyer serves as the Project Manager and Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator of the BPHC’s Uniform Data System (UDS) program providing direct support to the over 1,400 health centers, vendors, and BPHC staff. She is an experienced UDS trainer, reviewer, and TA provider as well as a dedicated member of the support line that provides instruction on the UDS Report over phone and email.

About Amanda Lawyer, MPH

Project Director, John Snow, Inc.
John Snow, Inc.

