Private Event - Virtual CAWC (Certified Authority on Workers' Comp)

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2023 at 10:00 AM to Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 at 3:00 PM EDT

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Cadence Insurance CAWC Class Partial Approval

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Tuesday, Mar 14, 2023 at 10:00 AM to Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 at 3:00 PM EDT

Cadence Insurance -

Become a Certified Authority on Workers’ Compensation!

AF Group, with the support of Olivet College, has partnered to offer insurance professionals a unique designation focused on the core components of workers’ compensation: The Certified Authority on Workers’ Compensation (CAWC).


Note: this class is filed for continuing education credits only in the states of Arkansas and Tennessee (other states may be available upon advanced notice to - course offering requirements vary by state).


Daily Schedule

The CAWC schedule is 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Eastern and 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Eastern each class day.


Virtual Program Overview

The CAWC program provides a robust, thought-provoking curriculum, practical exercises and market information specific to workers’ compensation. Our instructors apply adult learning principles to their methods of instruction, in-turn offering a different approach to insurance education. The 12-hour program consists of six classes, including:

         Day 1:   

o   Workers’ Compensation Fundamentals

o   Claims

         Day 2:

o   Experience Rating & Classifications  

o   Loss Control 

Day 3:

o   Return to Work 

o   Alternative Workers’ Comp Programs & USL&H 

 Final Examination taken online within 24-48 hours after class completion 


Program Deliverables

Industry-recognized CAWC designation

11 or 12 hours of Continuing Education credits depending on your state of license

Specialized learning experience, provided by an industry-leading workers’ compensation provider, AF Group

Networking opportunity for insurance professionals


Course Exam

An online proctored final exam must be taken within 24 hours of class completion.  The exam requires a score of 70% or higher to pass the course.


Certification & Recertification

The CAWC designation is awarded to those participants who achieve a passing grade on the final exam. The initial certification is valid for two years.

Continuing education is required to maintain the CAWC designation. Over each two-year certification period, CAWC recipients must complete three hours of Ethics and seven additional hours pertaining to workers' compensation (or any other commercial insurance) for a total of 10 credit hours every two years.

A recertification fee of $200, which is required every two years to maintain your designation, is in conjunction with the continuing education requirement.


For more information about the CAWC program, visit our website at or contact Joe Elliott ( or Erin Mattord (