The Institute of Applied Sciences of the MCAST is organising a research seminar entitled “Providing Nature-Based Solutions for Sustainable Development”. During the seminar, research on ecosystems, ecosystem services and associated benefits to society will be discussed, and the Horizon 2020 collaborative project ESMERALDA ("Enhancing ecoSysteM sERvices mApping for poLicy and Decision mAking") will be launched locally.
Nature-based solutions have been defined by the European Commission as “living solutions inspired by, continuously supported by and using nature, which are designed to address various societal challenges in a resource-efficient and adaptable manner and to provide simultaneously economic, social, and environmental benefits.” The core idea is to use the benefits of ecosystem services to address societal challenges and create net positive effects, such as improved air and water quality, cooler air temperatures, flood protection, ecotourism and recreation, and agricultural production. The role of ecosystems in providing these benefits to society will be analysed during this research seminar and concrete applications of nature-based solutions to pursue economic growth and job creation will be presented.
The seminar is scheduled for Thursday 16th June and will include presentations by academics, experts and students. It aims to bring together policy-makers, researchers, members of non-governmental organisations, students and the general public in order to stimulate discussion on nature-based solutions for sustainable development in Malta.
Registration: Participation is free. However, for administrative reasons registration would be appreciated. Tickets for the session are available from:
Providing Nature-Based Solutions for Sustainable Development - Research Seminar
Room 010, Institute of Applied Sciences,
Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST),
Corradino, Paola.
Thursday, 16th June 2016
Chairman: Mr Eric Flask, Director, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, MCAST
Introduction to the Event and Opening Addresses
Mr Stephen Cachia, Principal and CEO, MCAST
Ing Vince Maione, Vice Principal, MCAST
Mr Tonio Pace, Director, Institute of Applied Sciences, MCAST
Enhancing Ecosystem Services Mapping for Policy and Decision Making: the ESMERALDA project and local research
Dr Mario V Balzan and Prof. Davide Geneletti
Coffee Break
Nature-based solutions for urban challenges
Prof. Davide Geneletti, University of Trento
Plants and people - the cultural value of plant diversity in the Maltese Islands
Mr Edwin Lanfranco
Agrobiodiversity and Ecosystem services: Nature-based agricultural practices for healthier food and environment
Dr Mario V Balzan, Institute of Applied Sciences, MCAST
Student Research: Valuing cultural ecosystem services in the landscapes of the Maltese Islands
Ms Annrica Zammit, Institute of Applied Sciences, MCAST
Q&A Panel Session
The official programme of the session can be downloaded from here