ICARE operates on the core values of Integrity, Community, Accountability, Respect and Empathy and with that we aim to embody and model community and empathy through the creation and execution of this event.
On May 18, Raiderfest will take place completely on the Colonie Central High School campus and focus directly on wellness, togetherness and a sense of humanitarianism. We are hoping to unite the community and rasie money for a good cause. The day’s events are packaged to invite people of all interests and from all walks of life.
This school year, iCARE is ivested in educating and raising awareness of those experiencing domestic violence. We will raise funds for Equinox.
This event will be a day long, large-scale community event from 10am – 9pm on Saturday, May 18.
We on the iCARE team believe firmly in experiential learning and in providing opportunities for our community to enjoy the many skills and talents Colonie students possess. All in all, this day is about YOU, the community member, and how we can help reconnect you to your neighbors, your wellness, and your advocacy to support our cause.
Contact the Organizer