REAM 2023 - Reunion of the Americas

Wednesday, Aug 2, 2023 at 9:00 AM to Friday, Aug 4, 2023 at 6:30 PM COT

Getsemaní, Calle 24 Nº 8a-344, Cartagena de Indias, Bolivar, 540040, Colombia

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ABRA & AGM Partial Approval - Free

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General admission - no cocktail Partial Approval - $190.00

/////// ENG: No access guarantee for the Welcome Cocktail on the Phantom ship, you will be on the waiting list. However, your ticket includes access to all the Conferences, the business roundtables, coffee breaks, and many more surprises! /////// ESP: Sin garantía de acceso al Coctel de Bienvenida en el barco Phantom, estarás en lista de espera. Sin embargo, tu boleto incluye acceso a todas las conferencias, ruedas de negocios, coffee breaks y muchas más sorpresas! /////// POR: Sem garantia de acesso ao Coquetel de Boas-Vindas no navio Phantom, você estará na lista de espera. No entanto, seu ingresso inclui acesso a todas as Conferências, rodadas de negócios, coffee breaks e muitas outras surpresas!

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General admission Partial Approval - $190.00

/////// ENG: Your ticket includes access to the Conferences and the Welcome Cocktail on the Phantom ship, your participation in the business roundtables, coffee breaks and many more surprises!! **Limited places on the ship /////// ESP: Tu entrada incluye el acceso a las Conferencias y al Cóctel de Bienvenida sobre el barco Phantom, tu participación en las ruedas de negocios, los coffee breaks y muchas sorpresas más!! **Lugares limitados en el barco /////// POR: O seu ingresso inclui acesso as palestras e ao Coquetel de Boas-Vindas no navio Phantom, sua participação em rodadas de negócios, os coffee breaks e muitas outras surpresas!! **Vagas limitadas no navio.

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Associations Partial Approval

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Stand Participants Partial Approval - Free

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Special invites Partial Approval - Free

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Press participants Partial Approval - Free

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Wednesday, Aug 2, 2023 at 9:00 AM to Friday, Aug 4, 2023 at 6:30 PM COT

Centro de Convenciones de Cartagena, Getsemaní, Calle 24 Nº 8a-344, Cartagena de Indias, Bolivar, 540040, Colombia.


Welcome to the Reunion of the Americas (REAM 2023), an event organized by the Brazilian Renderers Association (ABRA) and AgriGlobal Market Inc, which will take place on August 2, 3 & 4, 2023 at the Conventions Center of Cartagena, Colombia.

This first joint event will bring together the best speakers in the agri-food industry in the American continent:

  • New opportunities and networking.
  • Business roundtables between producers and buyers.
  • Close new deals during the event.


Bienvenidos a la Reunión de las Américas (REAM 2023), una producción conjunta de la Asociación Brasileña de Reciclaje Animal (ABRA) y AgriGlobal Market Inc., que se llevará a cabo los días 2, 3 y 4 de agosto de 2023 en el Centro de Convenciones de Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

Este primer evento conjunto reunirá a los mejores ponentes de la industria agroalimentaria en el continente americano:

  • Nuevas oportunidades y redes de contacto.
  • Ruedas de negocios entre productores y compradores.
  • Cierre nuevos negocios durante el evento.


Bem-vindo à Reunião das américas (REAM 2023), uma produção conjunta da Associação Brasileira de Reciclagem Animal (ABRA) e a AgriGlobal Market Inc., que acontecerá nos dias 2, 3 e 4 de agosto de 2023 no Centro de Convenções de Cartagena de Índias, Colômbia.

Este primeiro evento conjunto reunirá os melhores palestrantes da indústria agroalimentar do continente americano:

  • Novas oportunidades e redes de contato.
  • Rodadas de negócios entre produtores e compradores.
  • feche novos negócios durante o evento.

AgriGlobal Market / REAM

ENG: The Brazilian Renderers Association (ABRA) is a non-profit entity that represents the Brazilian Rendering Industries specialized in producing proteins, fats, gelatines, blood products, palatability agents and hydrolyzed proteins of animal origin /// AgriGlobal Market Inc. is a business platform and business network for the global agri-food industry whose goal is to maximize the domestic and international sales of its customers. ---------------- ESP: La Asociación Brasileña de Reciclaje animal (ABRA) es una entidad sin fines de lucro que representa a las Industrias Brasileñas de Rendering especializadas en la producción de harinas, grasas, hemoderivados, palatadores y proteínas hidrolizadas de origen animal /// AgriGlobal Market Inc. es una plataforma de negocios y red de negocios para la industria agroalimentaria global cuyo objetivo es maximizar las ventas nacionales e internacionales de sus clientes. ---------------- POR: A Associação Brasileira de Reciclagem Animal (ABRA) é uma entidade sem fins lucrativos que representa as Indústrias de Reciclagem animal brasileiras especializadas na produção de farinhas, gorduras, hemoderivados, palatabilizantes e proteínas hidrolisadas de origem animal /// AgriGlobal Market Inc. plataforma e rede de negocios para a indústria agroalimentar global cujo objetivo é maximizar as vendas nacionais e internacionais de seus clientes.

Contact the Organizer View other events

Lucas Cypriano
Tecnical director

About Lucas Cypriano

Tecnical director
Ryan Standard
Senior Analyst
The Jacobsen & FastMarket
Ryan Standard earned a degree in English literature and history from Monmouth College, while maintaining a parallel track in economics. With a background in logistics and sales, he joined The Jacobsen in 2007 as an analyst and the editor of the Animal Fats and Feed Bulletins, and contributor to the Biodiesel Bulletin. Over the last 16 years he has built a solid, reliable network of sources to inform his industry analysis and draws upon his experience in the industry to provide timely, relevant insight to the markets. Ryan is currently the Managing Editor, Americas for Fastmarkets agriculture, where he is responsible for guiding and mentoring teams in the United States, ensuring high quality of news and pricing, and developing Fastmarkets Agriculture price coverage in the region.

About Ryan Standard

Senior Analyst
The Jacobsen & FastMarket
Decio Coutinho
Executive President

About Decio Coutinho

Executive President
Felipe Hurtado
CEO - Founder
Agriglobal Market
Agritech entrepreneur challenging the current way of doing business. Solid experience in the rendering industry leading global sales, M&A and internationalization processes in multinational companies in North and South America. SEO at AgriGlobal Market, ex-Sanimax as director of international trading.

About Felipe Hurtado

CEO - Founder
Agriglobal Market
Luis Barcos
OMSA Regional Representative
The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)

About Luis Barcos

OMSA Regional Representative
The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)
Joaquin Delgadillo
Asociacion Nacional de Rendidores A.C - Mexico
Consultor internacional en sanidad animal y producción pecuaria

About Joaquin Delgadillo

Asociacion Nacional de Rendidores A.C - Mexico
Pablo Azpiroz
Feed Latina

About Pablo Azpiroz

Feed Latina
Guillermo Vieira

About Guillermo Vieira

Juliana Dos Santos
Tecnologia Industrial

About Juliana Dos Santos

Tecnologia Industrial
Oman Chavez
Diretor Comercial
Experienced Consultant with a demonstrated history of working in the machinery industry. Strong consulting professional skilled in Negotiation, Business Planning, Strategic Planning, Sales Management, and Management.

About Oman Chavez

Diretor Comercial
Phantom Ship Galleon
Ship Galleon

About Phantom Ship Galleon

Ship Galleon

Organized by

About ABRA-Brazilian Renderers Association Sponsor Logo

About AgriGlobal Market Inc Sponsor Logo


About NARA - North American Renderers Association Sponsor Logo

About World Rendering Organization Sponsor Logo

About The Jacobsen / Fastmarkets Sponsor Logo

About Asociación Nacional de Rendidores Sponsor Logo

About Asocolpre

Sponsor Logo

About Cámara de la Industria de Alimentos Balanceados Sponsor Logo

About All Petfood Sponsor Logo

About Federacion de fabricantes de alimentos para animales y pequenos y medianos productores pecuarios

Sponsor Logo

About Cámara de Subproductos Ganaderos Sponsor Logo

About BCA group Chile Sponsor Logo

About ProBrasil

Sponsor Logo


About Agromat Sponsor Logo

About JS Proputec Sponsor Logo

About Oestergaard Kontinuer Sponsor Logo

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Sessions on Aug 02, 2023

03:00 PM

Cocktail Phantom Ship/Barco Phantom

03:00 PM - 08:00 PMPhantom ship
    Phantom Ship Galleon
    PhantomShip Galleon


    Sessions on Aug 03, 2023

    10:40 AM

    Impacts of the new WOAH regulations / Impactos de las nuevas normativas de OMSA / Impactos das novas normativas da OMSA

    10:40 AM - 11:05 AMConference Room - Centro de Convenciones de Cartagena de Indias.
      Luis Barcos
      OMSA Regional RepresentativeThe World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)


      11:05 AM

      Brazilian market of meals & fats for animal nutrition, biodiesel & the Brazilian Renderers project - ABRA / Mercado Brasileiro de Farinhas e gorduras para nutrição animal, biodiesel e projeto Brazilia

      11:05 AM - 11:30 AM
        Decio Coutinho
        Executive PresidentABRA


        11:30 AM

        Tech tools to transform the industry / Herramientas tecnológicas para transformar la industria / Ferramentas tecnológicas para transformar a indústria

        11:30 AM - 11:55 AMConference Room - Centro de Convenciones de Cartagena de Indias.
          Felipe Hurtado
          CEO - FounderAgriglobal Market
          Agritech entrepreneur challenging the current way of doing business. Solid experience in the rendering industry leading global sales, M&A and internationalization processes in multinational companies in North and South America. SEO at AgriGlobal Market, ex-Sanimax as director of international trading.


          11:55 AM

          The Rendering industry in Mexico & its LATAM environment / La industria del reciclaje animal en México y su entorno en LATAM / A indústria de reciclagem animal no México e seu entorno na LATAM

          11:55 AM - 12:15 AM
            Joaquin Delgadillo
            DirectorAsociacion Nacional de Rendidores A.C - Mexico
            Consultor internacional en sanidad animal y producción pecuaria


            12:15 PM

            Tech Innovations for the Rendering Industry / Innovaciones tecnológicas para la industria del reciclaje animal / Inovações Tecnológicas para a Indústria de Reciclagem Animal

            12:15 PM - 12:35 PMConference Room - Centro de Convenciones de Cartagena de Indias.
              Oman Chavez
              Diretor ComercialOESTERGAARD – Kontinuer
              Experienced Consultant with a demonstrated history of working in the machinery industry. Strong consulting professional skilled in Negotiation, Business Planning, Strategic Planning, Sales Management, and Management.


              Sessions on Aug 04, 2023

              09:10 AM

              Markets and global trends for animal meals and fats / Mercados y tendencias mundiales de harinas y grasas de origen animal / Mercados e tendências globais para farinhas e gorduras de origem animal

              09:10 AM - 09:50 AMConference Room - Centro de Convenciones de Cartagena de Indias.
                Lucas Cypriano
                Tecnical directorWRO


                09:55 AM

                Global market & trends for Additives / Mercado y tendencias globales para Aditivos / Mercado e tendências globais para aditivos

                09:55 AM - 10:20 AMConference Room - Centro de Convenciones de Cartagena de Indias.
                  Guillermo Vieira
                  PresidentEUROTEC Group


                  10:25 AM

                  Feed Trade Scenario in the Americas / Escenario del comercio de piensos en las Américas / Cenário do comércio de rações nas Américas

                  10:25 AM - 11:05 AMConference Room - Centro de Convenciones de Cartagena de Indias.
                    Pablo Azpiroz
                    PresidentFeed Latina


                    11:10 AM

                    Destination USA: How renewable diesel growth has changed the global animal fat and used cooking oil trading landscape

                    11:10 AM - 11:40 AM
                      Ryan Standard
                      Senior AnalystThe Jacobsen & FastMarket
                      Ryan Standard earned a degree in English literature and history from Monmouth College, while maintaining a parallel track in economics. With a background in logistics and sales, he joined The Jacobsen in 2007 as an analyst and the editor of the Animal Fats and Feed Bulletins, and contributor to the Biodiesel Bulletin. Over the last 16 years he has built a solid, reliable network of sources to inform his industry analysis and draws upon his experience in the industry to provide timely, relevant insight to the markets. Ryan is currently the Managing Editor, Americas for Fastmarkets agriculture, where he is responsible for guiding and mentoring teams in the United States, ensuring high quality of news and pricing, and developing Fastmarkets Agriculture price coverage in the region.
                      11:45 AM

                      Effluent Treatment: Market data for decision makers / Tratamiento de efluentes: datos de mercado para tomadores de decisiones / Tratamento de Efluentes: dados de Mercado para tomadores de decisões

                      11:45 AM - 12:10 PMConference Room - Centro de Convenciones de Cartagena de Indias.
                        Juliana Dos Santos
                        FASTTecnologia Industrial
