Remembrance Day Sacred Cacao & Sound Healing Ceremony

Friday, Nov 11, 2022 at 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM EST

390 Dupont Street, Suite 201, Toronto, Ontario, M5R 1V9, Canada

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Adults (in advance) Partial Approval - $35.00

Please purchase your ticket early to save $5 and avoid disappointment when we are sold out. Tickets at the door (if available): $40

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Youth & Older Adults (in advance) Partial Approval - $20.00

Aged 17 and under, or 60 plus. Please purchase your ticket early to save $5 and avoid disappointment when we are sold out. Tickets at the door (if available): $25

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Friday, Nov 11, 2022 at 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM EST

Better Life Studios, 390 Dupont Street, Suite 201, Toronto, Ontario, M5R 1V9, Canada.

On November 11th, we ask how can we honour those who have fallen, and also those who have sacrificed so much, for our Country, and for our communities?

It is a time when we ponder the qualities that we espouse in our nation’s soldiers, and in our First Responders. How can we let those qualities, and their sacrifices, inspire us to honour them by following in their example?

  • Where can we be braver in our lives? 
  • What do we need to do, despite it being risky or scary, to help us to grow?
  • What can we sacrifice in our busy lives, that isn’t so important, to better enable us to focus on what is really important?
  • Where in our lives can we act more honourably, be more truthful, let go of suspicions, judgements and gossip, to allow more trusting relationships to develop? How can we set a better example for those around us? 
  • How can we demonstrate our duty to respect ourselves more effectively, and more often? 
  • How can we act with greater integrity, more in alignment with our internal moral compass? 

These are all great questions to ponder at this time of year, but also as we go deep into a meditative state that sound healing allows. A state where we can access answers from within.

Sound healing is one of the best ways to quickly put yourself in a deeply relaxed state, and engage the para-sympathetic nervous system, which is ideal for digestion and stress reduction.

And when combined with an alchemically brewed, ceremonial-grade cacao, inside a sacred and safe ceremonial container, remarkable transformation, release and healing are possible. 

Come and open your heart, and be guided on a deeply relaxing journey to connect to your inner world. 

Give yourself the gift of medicinal cacao, ‘the medicine of the heart”, and open a doorway to your own healing, to your Spirit, and to deeper connections with others. 



After we welcoming everyone and introduce ourselves, we will cleanse energetically in a sacred smudging ritual. We will honour the traditional peoples of the land, and open the ceremonial space by honouring and calling in the energies of the sacred seven directions. 



Alchemically brewed, ceremonial-grade cacao is passed around the circle, and before we drink it, we connect to it with our senses, with our gratitude for all those who brought it to us, and for ourselves for coming to receive it. We then infuse it with intention for that which we wish to let go of, and to receive, during the rest of the ceremony. 



We will begin with chanting some medicine songs with the frame drum, another tool to assist in the opening of our hearts. We will then help to oxygenate the blood even more through some powerful breathwork and heart opening exercises. This will put us in the perfect condition to be led into the soundbath with a heart healing meditation, followed by a sound bath meditation that will create from weaving many powerful and ancient sound healing instruments together into a deeply relaxing soundscape.

We will conclude the evening with a reflection circle before closing the ceremonial space by honouring and thanking the 7 directions.



Rufus is delighted to be collaborating again with his wife and sound healing colleague Dinora Garcia Guillen. They met on a beach in Oaxaca in 1994 and have been in love with this mystical and magical part of Mexico, and each other, ever since. She was taking a break from her busy legal practice in Mexico City, and he had moved to Mexico from Canada to make documentaries. 

They return frequently to Oaxaca, a place that constantly inspires them to live a simpler, fuller and more meaningful life.

They love to discover, make and share artisanal and healing products and practices with their friends, family, and clients. 

Dinora is a natural nutritionist, a Nia Dance instructor, and a yoga teacher. 

Rufus is a health & wellness and shamanic drum circle facilitator, a singer-songwriter, a community choir leader, and a shamanic practitioner. Both Rufus and Dinora have been trained to lead Mesoamerican temazcal sweat lodge ceremonies, and are both sound healing practitioners. 

They run Swan’s Nest Holistic Wellness and Nature Retreat, located just North of Toronto, from late Spring to early Autumn, and live in Toronto with their 2 sons the rest of the time. They spend as much time as possible in Oaxaca, and plan to move there in the winter to facilitate workshops, run their import business, La Botica, and host culinary, historical and shamanic tour groups.



Better Life Studios is equipped with thick yoga matts and a selection of pillows - feel free to bring your own if you prefer. If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, they are of course optional.



Adults (in advance): $35

At the door (if available): $40

Youth & Older Adults (in advance): $20

At the door (if available): $25





Drinking high-vibrational cacao that is ethically sourced and ceremonially prepared helps us to nurture our bodies, stimulate our minds, open and heal our hearts, and help us connect with the deeper parts of ourselves, and with our Spirit. 


Aa a powerful superfood, cacao has many physical benefits - it increases blood flow of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, while lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Cacao induces the release of feel-good endorphins, which boost our mood and lift our Spirits. It also strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation and enhances cardiovascular and nerve function. 


Cacao has many other benefits that help to bring us into balance, as it is known to be a powerful ally for our inner work. It is known as “Medicine of the Heart”, not just because of it’s high magnesium levels, but because it helps us connect more deeply with our inner world, our intuitive selves and others around us. 


As an adaptogen, Cacao brings us what we most need at the moment, honouring our individuality and where we are at, and gifting us with an experience that is uniquely our own.



Sound bath meditations can help bring harmony back to the body, by releasing dissonance, which can manifest as stuck energy releasing suddenly as physical twitching or unleashed emotions. 

Low frequency sounds, such as binaural beats, can assist our brains in downshifting to lower brainwave vibrations, producing an altered state of consciousness, or a deep trance-like state. 

People who have been meditating for many years can sometimes get into that deep state of relaxation for a prolonged period, but it takes years of practice for most to go, and stay, that deep. It’s much easier to just come to a sound bath! You don't need any experience, and there are no side effects, although sound baths have been known to be habit forming!

The best news? Slowing down your brain wave vibrations to a deeply meditative state is not only an antidote to stress, it is also one of the best ways to supercharge your immune system!

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Rufus is delighted to be collaborating again with his wife and sound healing colleague Dinora Garcia Guillen. They met on a beach in Oaxaca in 1994 and have been in love with this mystical and magical part of Mexico, and each other, ever since. She was taking a break from her busy legal practice in Mexico City, and he had moved to Mexico from Canada to make documentaries. They return frequently to Oaxaca, a place that constantly inspires them to live a simpler, fuller and more meaningful life. They love to discover, make and share artisanal and healing products and practices with their friends, family, and clients. Dinora is a natural nutritionist, a Nia Dance instructor, and a yoga teacher. Rufus is a health & wellness and shamanic drum circle facilitator, a singer-songwriter, a community choir leader, and a shamanic practitioner. Both Rufus and Dinora have been trained to lead Mesoamerican temazcal sweat lodge ceremonies, and are both sound healing practitioners. They run Swan’s Nest Holistic Wellness and Nature Retreat, located just North of Toronto, from late Spring to early Autumn, and live in Toronto with their 2 sons the rest of the time. They spend as much time as possible in Oaxaca, and plan to move there in the winter to facilitate workshops, run their import business, La Botica, and host culinary, historical and shamanic tour groups.

Contact the Organizer