The AORs 2nd gathering for all USCG Auxiliarists within Sector Miami.
The weekends agenda has sessions for all Auxiliarists no matter if you just got your ID number or if you've recieved your hourglass for sustained service.
Sessions Include*:
- AUX Moodle Classroom Familiarization
- Intro to AUXAIR
- Intro to Culinary Assistant
- Leadership Techniques / Team Building
- Q & A Session
*Sessions may be added or deleted.
Plus, tour Air Station Miami, meet Active Duty, fellowship, and eat at the galley.
Lunch at the galley cost: $4.75
The CG Exchange will be open Saturday from 0800 to 1700.
-Auxiliarists with ID numbers may attend if your ID is expired or ID has not been issued. You must bring government ID with you
-The cost for Saturday is $10 per Member.
-Please do not expect non-reimburseable orders. This will be on your own time.