Self-Healing with Breath, Vocal Toning and Chanting - a 3 week course

Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM EDT

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Adult Partial Approval - $50.00

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Youth & Older Adult (60+) Partial Approval - $35.00

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Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM EDT

People have been using vocal sounds to have fun, to connect, destress and heal for thousands of years. Come and experience the immediate, powerful, and tangible benefits that come with connecting with others through vibration, harmony and positive intention.

Over 3 weeks, you will learn how to use the most powerful sound healing instrument of all - your own voice - with some easy and accessible vocal warm-ups, toning techniques, vocalizations, mantras and affirmations. No musical, singing or chanting experience or training is required. 

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a drop in class. The ticket price is for ALL 3 WORKSHOPS: Thursdays, May 20th, May 27th and June 3rd, from 9-10:30 am. 

Each workshop will last 1.5 hours and take place over Zoom. 

Research is catching up with ancient wisdom. Sound healing is now going mainstream, and Rufus Glassco is an experienced Sound Healing Practitioner who uses sound and rhythm to help people to connect, off load stress, and heal from a variety of health challenges, including cancer, mental illness, stroke and brain injuries, and Alzheimer’s & dementia. 

Here is a quick overview of why we should all consider using sound healing for healing and health maintenance: 

One of the most important factors in healing, or maintaining good health, besides proper nutrition, sufficient and quality rest, enough exercise and avoiding smoking, is having healthy techniques for offloading stress. Stress is endemic in our modern, industrialized world, and is thought to be one of the leading causes of illness. Stress often prevents the mind from reaching the deepest levels of relaxation, either awake or asleep, when our brains are normally able to fully relax.

Sound healing has been used for thousands of years to help people relax, de-stress, and connect in community. Scientists who study how ancient sound healing techniques, found all over the world, create altered states of consciousness, a level of deep relaxation, and discovered that they also dramatically improve immune functioning. 

Many modern and traditional medical experts consider illness to be a manifestation of disharmony within the body. Healing is achieved by restoring the normal vibratory frequency of the disharmonious - and therefore diseased - part of the body. 

Vocal overtones, and pure tones created by sound healing instruments, simply help to restore harmony in the body. Some harmonies, such as a 5th, are known as a tonic, which means to provide a feeling of vigour or well-being. Scientists have now proven that being exposed to harmonic fifths stimulates the release of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is not just anti-bacterial and anti-viral, it also enhances the immune system and helps to bring the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system into balance. 

Toning is an ancient Vedic tradition from India, and toning with other people creates a sense of unity. It is simply creating a vocal sound with an elongated vowel for an extended period, and it has a neuro-chemical effect on the body, boosting the immune system and causing the release of endorphins. It also helps to release stress and repressed emotions, it assists in good breathing and posture, and has also been proven to be effective in relieving insomnia.

We will learn different toning vocalization techniques from ancient India and Tibet, and China. We will learn techniques for preparing the mind, eyes, and body, and for deepening deepening our practice for even greater benefits.


Finally, we will explore the benefits of saying affirmations of our worth and our ability to heal, with a voice of power. 


Dates: Thursdays, May 20 - June 3rd, 2021, from 9 - 10:30 AM


Week 1: An Introduction to Toning, Vocal Warmups, Breath techniques, Mantras and Affirmations.


Week 2: More Toning Techniques, Warmups, Breath Techniques, Mantras, Affirmations and the Qi Gong 6 Healing Sounds.


Week 3: Even more Breath Techniques, Mantras, Tibetan Chanting: The 5 Warrior Syllables.


Cost for the 3 week series: 

   Adults -  CAN$50 

   Youth & Older Adults 60+ - CAN$35


Zoom registration information will be emailed once payment is received. Once you have registered, you will receive an email with the login link, which will be the same for all 3 classes. 


Tickets can be purchased without a fee from Canadian bank accounts by sending an e-transfer to No passwords are required. Funds can also be sent through PayPal:

Payment must be sent no later than 11 pm on May 19th so I can verify the funds have been transferred. 

No one is turned away for lack of funds - if you would like to attend but cannot afford the ticket price, please message me and we’ll work something out.

Rufus Glassco is a trilingual Drum Circle Facilitator who specializes in drumming for health and wellness. He is also a Sound Healing Practitioner, a Community Choir Leader, and a Shamanic Coach, and helps both individuals and large groups to relax, and come into greater resonance and harmony. Rufus puts his experience as a singer-songwriter and multi-instrumental percussionist to use in the soundscapes he weaves together using a variety of sound healing instruments (quartz crystal bowls, didgeridoo, tuning forks, handpan, shruti box, native drone flute, ocean drum, tongue drum, gathering drum, frame drum, kalimba, chimes, tingshas, and voice). He creates a multi-layered sonic journey that transports sound bathers to a deeply relaxing place. He also uses his 30 year passion for yoga, tantric energy work and Qigong to help people to relax, heal and come into balance using breathwork, vocal toning and chanting mantras and positive affirmations.

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