Sex Offender Supervision Officer (SOSO) Summit - South Lake Tahoe, CA

Wednesday, Apr 9, 2025 at 8:00 AM to Friday, Apr 11, 2025 at 5:00 PM PDT

4130, Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, CA, 96150, United States

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Sex Offender Supervision Officer Summit, April 9-11, 2025 Lake Tahoe CA Partial Approval - $499.00

Sale ends on 04/16/2025

This standard tuition includes an 8GB USB drive with all course material, 20 other software titles, laminated pocket card, SO supervision "Bible" with reference material etc.

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Wednesday, Apr 9, 2025 at 8:00 AM to Friday, Apr 11, 2025 at 5:00 PM PDT

Margaritaville-Lake Tahoe, 4130, South Lake Tahoe, CA, 96150, United States.


6th Annual Sex Offender Supervision Officer (SOSO) Summit

  When: April 9-11, 2025

Hosted By: El Dorado Sheriff Dept.

 Margaritaville in South Lake Tahoe

CA POST and STC Certified For Over a Decade, POST Certified in NV, NM, and AZ.


The Nation’s ONLY 3-Day Intensive BootCamp for those registering, Investigating, and Supervising Sex Offenders




Who Should Attend:

  • Those who register sex offenders
  • Probation and Parole staff who supervise sex offenders
  • Sex Crimes Detectives who investigate sex offenders
  • Patrol staff who encounter sex offender registrants in the field
  • Institutional Staff (Both Juvenile and Adult)
  • Federal Probation Officers
  • Re-entry staff and Parole Board Members
  • Prosecutors and DA Investigators who prosecute sex offenders including those in violation
  • Managers and agency policy makers


        Day 1: Sex Offender Management - Fundamentals

  •  Introduction to the concept of all LEO working with HRSO's is a "supervisor" of the offender
  •  Evidence based best practices for working with SO registrants
  • Sex Offender Registration - Step-by step best practices
  • SORNA vs State Registration - Techniques, differences, overlap.
  • Flyering of offenders including legal authority, liability and procedures
  • Verifying compliance and discovering violational behavior
  • Working with the public - Notifications, disclosure, liability
  • Field Supervision tools and strategies for LEA, Probation, and Parole.                    
  • Officer Safety - Why working witih registrants poses unique officer safety concerns
  • Secondary Trauma - Officer Exposure to CSAM content.  "When to say when."
  • Evidence based practices for field work.



       Day 2: Sex Offender Containment -The Nationwide Model for HRSO Supervision and Management.

  • Understanding Offender Risk - The cornerstone of offender supervision. 
  • "The Containment Model" of offender managment
  • Effective use of the Polygraph
  • Members of the containment team
  • Victim advocates
  • Court ordered therapy, and how to maximize effectiveness and communication
  • Containment team meetings - how to maximize resources.
  • Containing offender religous activities
  • Offender Travel - Just say "no". 
  • Utilizing an effective incentive program with offenders on community release to encourage success
  • Importance of fair firm and consistent practices and policies

                **Polygraph Demonstration


      Day 3: Planning, and deploying a multi-agency sex offender compliance operation.  

  • Complex and unique searches, working with other agencies to "Collaboratively Contain" offenders. 
  • The registration compliance home check, searches verification technology
  • GPS Supervision - legality, misuse, liability
  • Creating a multi-agency compliance operation, step-by-step
  • Hands on labs with world class vendors such as Data-Pilot
  • Use of cutting edge products and techniques such as use of License Plate Reading (LPR Technology)
  • Geneological Investigative tools for DNA pinpoint accuracy
  • Collaborating with federal partners when an offender absconds or is in violation and wanted

                  ** Includes live demonstrations and labs from computer forensics, mobile forensics, LPR technology.




About the Instructor: Erik McCauley has been supervising high risk sex offenders and investigating their digital devices for over 25 years.  Erik is an expert in multi-agency sex offender  sweep planning operations and sex offender supervision.  He has personally instructed  over 15,000 sworn officers from all over the world how to use modern techniques, strategies, and technologies to work smarter and more efficiently with high risk offenders.  He also specializes in reducing both departmental and personal liability and risk management.

Erik is the founder and CEO of LE LEARN, LLC, the nations only professional training platform specifically designed to instruct law enforcement on HRSO investigation, management, prosecution, and supervision.  Https://

Erik regularly consults with decision makers on a national level in matters relating to supervising high risk sex offenders in the community.  Erik has been recognized on a local, state, and federal level for his work with digital investigation and high risk sex offender supervision.  Erik is also the founder and president  of EJM DIGITAL LLC which has been providing solutions to the law enforcement community for over a decade.



Erik J. McCauley - Founder and CEO




Cancellation policy

Due to the overwhelming demand for this course, cancellations are not allowed.  Officers who are unable to attend may re-schedule for another venue/date.  No refunds will be issued.


If Paying by check:  Your seat is only held, and not confirmed until payment is received.  This course is in high demand.  Payment must arrive within 14 days of registration or it will be cancelled.  Please send checks to: 


129 E 13800 S, Ste B2


Draper, Utah 84020


Course Presented by LE LEARN, LLC Erik McCauley - Chief Executive Officer Serving the Law Enforcement Community since 2008 Class is POST and STC Certified 714-686-3152

Contact the Organizer