Space Tourism Lifts Off in 2021! A Year in Review & Stellar 2022

Friday, Nov 19, 2021 at 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM PST

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Friday, Nov 19, 2021 at 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM PST

Now it’s really real.

The year 2021 will be remembered in history as the lift-off year of space tourism. This year, our industry stepped into the spotlight and finally took center stage, garnering the popular attention it so rightfully deserves.

In rapid succession, Virgin Galactic, SpaceX and Blue Origin scored huge wins. The era of reusable rockets and capsules financed and operated by the commercial space industry is in full swing. It will significantly accelerate over the next decade.

And great strides were made in every other aspect of the ecosystem—finance, manufacturing, software, marketing, entertainment and thought leadership. The Inspiration4 mission heralded a new level of maturation of the industry: not only did a private citizen pay for all the trip's tickets, the first such 'chartered' voyage in history, but the effort incorporated a branded philanthropic effort.  

In this session we’ll examine the astonishing achievements and benchmarks reached this year. And then we’ll look ahead to the very near future of 2022 and beyond. Private space travel has arrived. The countdown is done. It’s now time to fly many more private citizens, guests and contest winners.

Space Tourism Conference

The Space Tourism Conference (STC) is produced by the Space Tourism Society (STS), the world’s leading space tourism advocacy organization for 20+ years, along with contributions from industry trade groups and media outlets. The event’s April 28 date marks the anniversary of Dennis Tito’s lift-off into the history books in 2001 as the world’s first private space tourist. Tito’s flight jumpstarted the space tourism industry, generating massive consumer awareness as to the possibilities of private space travel and commercialization of space through earth-based experiences.

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