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(Thursday 6.22.17, Friday 6.23.17 and Saturday 6.24.17) Access to spectator area during launch days. ** Please select the date on the top right hand corner before selecting the number of tickets you would like to purchase. **
Access to spectator area during launch day on June 22, 2017. ** Please select the date on the top right hand corner before selecting the number of tickets you would like to purchase. **
Access to spectator area during launch day on June 23, 2017. ** Please select the date on the top right hand corner before selecting the number of tickets you would like to purchase. **
Access to spectator area during launch day on June 24, 2017. ** Please select the date on the top right hand corner before selecting the number of tickets you would like to purchase. **
This is required of all Team members (those assisting with assembly at base camp) and Faculty. You need to purchase this ticket to have access to the Vertical Launch Area; Credentials are required; this will include the Under the Stars Awards Banquet on Saturday 6.24.17.
Brought to you by ESRA and the Spaceport America Crew.
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Please enter below, the secure invite code provided to you by the event organizer in order to proceed...
(Please use a genuine email address. It will be used to validate your request)