Spirit of the Earth Yoga & Meditation Retreat

Saturday, Jul 20, 2019 at 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM EST

16542, 12th Concession, Schomberg, ON, L0G 1T0, Canada

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July 20 1 day activity pass Partial Approval - $90.00

Saturday, July 20th 10 am - 11 am: Opening Ceremony and Welcome (Calling in the 4 directions and support, invocations) with Angel Amita and Rufus Glassco 11am - 12:30 pm: Swim, explore, walk the trails, free time. 12:30 - 1 pm: Introduction to Mother Earth Charity & Angel Amita’s work in Peru. 1-2 pm: Vegan lunch made with Love ? 2-3:30 pm: Swimming / boating / hiking free time. 3:30 - 4:00 pm: Short yoga class by the dock. 4:15 - 5:15 pm: Labyrinth Intuition Ceremony with Rufus Glassco (on the hill overlooking Hall Lake). 5.30- 6.30 pm: Guided Meditation with Angel Amita ~ Healing Ceremony for the earth and all life forms lead by Angel Amita 7-8:30 pm: Delicious, healthy, vegan dinner 8:30 - 9:30 - Sound Bath Meditation: By the Sound Body Collective ~ Relax and go deep with a sacred sound journey 9:30-10:30 Shamanic drum circle around the fire, facilitated by Rufus.

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Saturday, Jul 20, 2019 at 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM EST

Seldom Seen, Seldom Heard Retreat Center, 16542, Schomberg, ON, L0G 1T0, Canada.

Spirit of the Earth Retreat
A Reunion with Mother Nature

We live in a time when our future depends on establishing a new relationship with Mother Earth. When we feel the pull to become defenders of the mother we all share - to become guardians of the earth. We feel this pull because of the nurturing and healing we feel when we deeply connect to her wonders, and we open our hearts, and gather in community. And we balance mind, body and Spirit, in deep gratitude for all that she does for us. 

Come and experience the Spirit of the Earth Retreat on the Oak Ridges Moraine from July 20th (10 am - 11 pm), at Seldom Seen, Seldom Heard Organic Farm & Retreat Centre: 350 acres of pristine wilderness, forested paths and streams, surrounding a private, spring-fed kettle lake, 17 acres in size and 40 feet deep. And only an hour’s drive from downtown Toronto.

Please visit our Facebook Event to see photos of this remarkable nature preserve and organic farm: https://www.facebook.com/events/888448094831808/

Workshops, Ceremonies & Classes: 

  • relaxing yoga & meditation classes that will connect you deeply to your own heart & soul, and to Mother Earth.
  • guided meditations to connect you to the empowering, sacred union with your inner masculine and feminine.
  • breathing exercises that provide pranic nourishment and a connection with nature to energize you.
  • a mind, body and Spirit intuition ceremony in our 120 foot Chartres labyrinth
  • a Shamanic Drum Circle around the bonfire. 
  • a sound bath meditation led by the Sound Body Collective.
  • delicious vegan & yogic food, in a 100% smoke, drug and alcohol free, family friendly environment. 

Co-facilitated by Angel Amita, a retreat leader specializing in yoga and meditation retreats in Peru, and Rufus Glassco, a shamanic coach and rhythm & sound-based healer from Toronto whose family has been stewards of this land for the past 80 years. 

Angel will be offering relaxing yoga & meditation classes, in the 8 limbed path. These classes will connect you deeply to your own heart & soul as well as to Mother Earth. 
We work deeply with the breath and connecting to our purpose and Nature...
Angel will also be offering guided meditations to connect you to the inner sacred union with your inner masculine and feminine, and empowering yourself. She will lead us in a ceremony where we all send healing to the earth, and all the life forms she supports. 
In addition, Angel Amita will give an introduction to pranic nourishment via breathing exercises, and connecting with nature to energize you. 

Rufus will lead forest bathing walks, a mind, body and Spirit intuition ceremony in our 120 foot Chartres labyrinth, and facilitate a Shamanic Drum Circle around the bonfire. And his sound healing group, the Sound Body Collective, will lead a sound bath meditation using a large variety of sound healing instruments from around the world.

We will be serving delicious vegan & yogic food, the event will be 100% smoke, drug and alcohol free, and is family friendly. 

We can host a maximum of 30 participants. Limited camping spots are available
, and the rest of us will stay in spacious, comfortable rooms in 2 beautifully decorated houses on the property. 

Register early to reserve your preferred accommodation! Bedroom and camping prices are for the entire weekend - 2 night stay. 



Saturday, July 20th
10 am - 11 am: Opening Ceremony and Welcome (Calling in the 4 directions and support, invocations) with Angel Amita and Rufus Glassco
11am - 12:30 pm: Swim, explore, walk the trails, free time.
12:30 - 1 pm: Introduction to Mother Earth Charity & Angel Amita’s work in Peru.
1-2 pm: Vegan lunch made with Love ?
2-3:30 pm: Swimming / boating / hiking free time.
3:30 - 4:00 pm: Short yoga class by the dock.
4:15 - 5:15 pm: Labyrinth Intuition Ceremony with Rufus Glassco (on the hill overlooking Hall Lake).
5.30- 6.30 pm: Guided Meditation with Angel Amita ~ Healing Ceremony for the earth and all life forms lead by Angel Amita
7-8:30 pm: Delicious, healthy, vegan dinner
8:30 - 9:30 - Sound Bath Meditation: By the Sound Body Collective ~ Relax and go deep with a sacred sound journey
9:30-10:30 Shamanic drum circle around the fire, facilitated by Rufus.

Guests who wish to spend the night are welcome to do so - we ask for a donation of $20 for camping and $30, $40 or $50 for a single, Queen or King sized bed, respectively. Please bring cash if you would like to spend the night. This will include a light breakfast the next day, and the following activities:

Sunday, July 21st
7-9 am: Morning meditation & Classical Yoga on the dock on Hall Lake
9-10 am: Self-Serve delicious vegan, healthy breakfast
10:15 - 11:15 am: Swimming / boating / exploring the trails, free time.
11: 15 - 11:45 am: Pranic nourishment workshop with Angel.
12 noon - 1 pm : Closing Ceremony

Please visit our Facebook Event to see photos of the beautiful bedrooms in Seldom Seen and Seldom Heard: https://www.facebook.com/events/888448094831808/

Please note that fees for accommodation are in addition to Day pass fee of $90. Accommodation fees must be paid in cash upon arrival at the retreat on July 20th. 

About Your Facilitators

Angel Almita

Angel has been on a spiritual path since a very young age. She was born in Norway's oldest town in 1978. She has been residing in The Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru since 2012 has been to India 8 times and lived in the UK and BC, Canada as well. Angel has explored more than 34 countries.

After a powerful stay in Mount Shasta in California, the first earth chakra, she was guided to return to Peru and start to host retreats in Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca and the Sacred Valley of the Incas.

Angel soon found that she felt very drawn to explore sacred places on the planet. She feels particularly connected to Machu Picchu and Mount Shasta. She has a very strong connection to Mother Nature, as well as some ascended masters.

Angel has been practising yoga and meditation daily for almost 24 years and has been teaching in various countries since 2002. Angel is passionate about helping to raise the consciousness on this planet and help people heal. She also feels that part of her life’s mission is to help restore balance in nature. Angel has been an active landhealer since 2012 helping to create the worldwide earth-healing grid network. She is also an active spiritual healer & thetahealer, seeing clients from various countries. She has been running several retreats in Peru since 2014 and the international retreat community is growing big!

Angel is excited to meet you and share sacred retreat journeys together!

To see a video of her Peruvian retreats, click here: https://youtu.be/NsAbciucVyI

Feel free to get in touch at sacredjourneysnow@gmail.com 


Rufus Glassco

Rufus is a trilingual Drum Circle Facilitator who specializes in drumming for health and wellness. He is also a Sound Healing Practitioner and a Shamanic Coach, and helps both individuals and groups to relax, and come into greater resonance and harmony. Rufus' experience as a singer-songwriter and multi-instrumental percussionist has blossomed into new directions lately, and he now facilitates sacred singing classes and is studying to be a community singing facilitator. He passionately believes that everyone has rhythm, and longs for real connection with others. Participants in his workshops learn that drumming and singing are easy to do and so much fun to learn in a group setting. Together they experience how they can create something greater than they could do on their own, by supporting and encouraging each other, and really listening to each other as they co-create music, and community.

Rufus’ connection to his family farm has also awakened a unique appreciation for mother nature’s gifts - he grows healing herbs for sacred smudge blends, and leads labyrinth ceremonies and forest bathing walks that help us to balance and honour mind, body and spirit, and to learn to live in the moment by using all of our senses to connect to nature. 

Feel free to get in touch at rufusglassco@gmail.com

Rufus Glassco is a Sound Healing Practitioner, a Drum Circle Facilitator and a health and wellness drummer based out of Toronto, Ontario. He facilitates many health and wellness drum circles throughout the year, and is a trained HealthRHYTHMS, Drumbeat and Rhythm2Recovery facilitator. He works with children and older adults, with people recovering from cancer and mental illness, and facilitates corporate wellness, resiliency and communications workshops.

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