SSSA Training - Practice Supervisor training - Session one

Thursday, Sep 15, 2022 at 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM BST

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Thursday, Sep 15, 2022 at 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM BST

SSSA is the new standard devised by the NMC to replace the old Mentor system for student nurse supervision.

The standard is arranged such that the student is able to experience the whole range of disciplines practiced in primary care.

Existing Mentors will be called "Assessors", and there is a new role called the "Supervisor".

The course has 3 parts: e-learning modules (found here) and 2 virtual training sessions.

If you are new to hosting students

  • You must complete e-learning modules (found here) prior to attending the course.
  • To become a Supervisor, you only need to attend Session ONE of this course.
  • To become an Assessor, you must attend both Session ONE AND TWO of this course.

If you are already a qualified Mentor

  • You should have an ENB998 or equivalent Mentorship Course certificate.
  • You only need to attend Session TWO of this course and send the trainer your previous certificate to become an Assessor.

South East London Workforce Development Hub


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