STARRS Rally for Our Republic - Arizona

Saturday, Sep 7, 2024 at 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM MST

Dream City Church, 28700 N. Pima Rd, North Scottsdale, Arizona, 85050, United States

Register Now

Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier
Executive Vice President
Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier, former USAF/USSF is a military veteran, political and cultural thought leader, and author of the bestselling book Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military. He is currently working with independent film producers on a feature-length documentary that will come out in 2024. His book Irresistible Revolution was published in May 2021, at which time Matt was a respected active-duty commander in the newly formed US Space Force. The book’s primary aim was to invite senior military leaders to abandon the divisive politicization of the military workplace and to educate all members of the armed forces. For publishing and speaking about his book, then-Lieutenant Colonel Lohmeier was relieved of his command and subjected to an Inspector General investigation launched from the Pentagon. He subsequently joined the nation’s biggest media personalities to discuss the proliferation of Marxist-rooted Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the military and its divisive impact on our military. His watershed work shaped the nation’s dialogue about the United States military. Matt separated from active duty on September 1, 2021. Since then, he has been an outspoken critic of the discriminatory practices of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) industry and is a public speaker and consultant on Marxist ideology and tactics, CRT, military culture, and the principles of liberty. A 2006 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, Matt began his active-duty military career as a fighter pilot, flying over 1,200 hours in the T-38 as an instructor pilot followed by flying the F-15C. After flying, he cross-trained into space operations and worked in space-based missile warning. Matt promoted two years below-the-zone to lieutenant colonel, graduated at the top of his classes earning him the distinguished graduate (DG) award at four different Air Force schools, and served as aide-de-camp for a four-star general for one year. In October 2020, he transferred into the United States Space Force and was placed in command of our nation’s space-based missile warning. Matt has two master’s degrees—a master’s in military operational art and science, and a Master of Philosophy in military strategy from the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies (SAASS).

About Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier

Executive Vice President
Ann Atkinson
Founder & CEO
Care Property Investors
Ann Atkinson is a free speech advocate, having experienced first-hand being censored for supporting the truth. She is an ASU graduate with a Bachelor of Science in finance from the W. P. Carey School of Business and honors from Barrett, The Honors College. She began her distinguished 17-year health care real estate investment career with an internship she completed as a student in Barrett. She is an entrepreneur, CEO and former public company executive. She served as the executive director of the T.W. Lewis Center for Personal Development at Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University.

About Ann Atkinson

Founder & CEO
Care Property Investors
Timothy Sandefur
Vice President for Legal Affairs
Goldwater Institute
Timothy Sandefur is the Vice President for Legal Affairs at the Goldwater Institute’s Scharf-Norton Center for Constitutional Litigation and holds the Duncan Chair in Constitutional Government. He litigates to promote economic liberty, private property rights, free speech, and other crucial values in states across the country. Timothy is the author of eight books, including most recently Freedom’s Furies: How Isabel Paterson, Rose Wilder Lane, and Ayn Rand Found Liberty in an Age of Darkness (2022), and Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man (2018), as well as more than 50 scholarly articles on subjects ranging from Indian law and antitrust to copyright law, the constitutional issues involved in the Civil War, and the political philosophy of Shakespeare, ancient Greek drama, and Star Trek. A frequent guest on radio and television, he is well known to radio audiences as “Tim the Lawyer” on The Armstrong & Getty Show, and his writings have appeared in Reason, National Review, The Weekly Standard, The Wall Street Journal, and The Objective Standard, where he is a contributing editor. He has taught classes at Pepperdine University, McGeorge School of Law, George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School, and Arizona State University, where he holds the 2023-24 Barry Goldwater Chair in American Institutions. He is an Adjunct Scholar with the Cato Institute and is a graduate of Hillsdale College and Chapman University School of Law.

About Timothy Sandefur

Vice President for Legal Affairs
Goldwater Institute
Kim Miller
President and Founder
Arizona Women of Action
Kim Miller is Founder and President of Arizona Women of Action (AZWOA), Women for Families & Freedom, and AZWAction PAC. Combined, they’re the largest and most effective conservative women’s network in Arizona with more than 23,000 subscribers and followers. Arizona Women of Action Empowers Women Locally to Protect Kids and Restore Schools. Kim Miller is a Phoenix mom of 5 and a grandmother. She’s lived in AZ almost all her life, has a journalism degree from University of Arizona, and spent five years in San Francisco with KRON-TV (NBC) before returning to Phoenix, working for KSAZ, now FOX10, as a sales executive. Kim quit working outside the home while raising children, serving in ministry and researching/teaching worldview and culture. She felt called to serve women and families in Arizona and started Arizona Women of Action in 2020. Whenever there’s time, she and her husband enjoy traveling and working on projects at their family’s cattle ranch near Flagstaff.

About Kim Miller

President and Founder
Arizona Women of Action
Ray Semko
The D*I*C*E Man
Ray Semko, aka "The D*I*C*E Man" is a professional public speaker who is nationally known for his popular and motivating D*I*C*E briefings (Defensive Information to Counter Everything) which he has been providing to American audiences for over thirty years. He is well-known for energizing and re-charging people to wake up and take action. People leave his briefings renewed and motivated to live and work with honor and integrity. Semko has 39 years service to the US Government as a senior Counterintelligence Special Agent in the US Army and then in various Intelligence Community agencies, including NSA, DOE and the Department of Defense.

About Ray Semko

The D*I*C*E Man

Saturday, Sep 7, 2024 at 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM MST

Dream City Church, 28700 N. Pima Rd, North Scottsdale, Arizona, 85050, United States.

For livestream tickets, the event starts at:
9:00 am Arizona Time
10:00 am Mountain Time
11:00 am Central Time
Noon Eastern Time



Join STARRS near Phoenix, Arizona for an important morning event as we uncover the truth behind the dangerous and divisive ideology harming our military, schools and culture.

Featured speakers include former Air Force/Space Force Lt Colonel Matthew Lohmeier who will share his insights and personal experiences on how this anti-American ideology is threatening the very core of our nation's military.

Lohmeier is the best-selling author of the book, "Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military" (copies available for sale and signing at the event). His story about how he saw and then called out the divisive anti-American ideology pushed down on the military, which got him fired and losing his pension for speaking the truth, is being made into a major documentary that will be released this fall. He will premier the new trailer for the audience.

Other speakers include whistleblower Ann Atkinson, who will talk about the pervasive influence of DEI in higher education.

Timothy Sandefur of the Goldwater Institute will discuss liberty champion Frederick Douglass and the American Dream. Copies of his book, "Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man" will be available for sale and signing.

Kim Miller, leader of Arizona Women of Action will talk about what happens when women wake up to the Left's manipulations.

Finally, dynamic motivator and educator Ray Semko The D*I*C*E Man, well-known for his powerful D*I*C*E presentations in the military, will remind the audience to Never Give Up! He will also emcee the entire morning with his signature style.

This event is for all military veterans, patriotic citizens and anyone concerned about the direction our nation's military and culture are heading.

Speakers will shed light on the importance of speaking the truth, standing up for what is right, and protecting the values that have made our nation and military strong. 

Don't miss this opportunity to educate yourself on the pressing issues facing our military and nation!

Join us in Phoenix, Arizona (or via livestream), for a thought-provoking morning event that will leave you empowered and inspired to "Wake Up, Stand Up, Speak Up and Never Give Up" in the fight against the destructive forces threatening our nation. 

Get your tickets now and be a part of the solution to protect our military and nation so that we can win this Cultural War and preserve our Republic! 


***IMPORTANT NOTE: Session times below are approximate and subject to change. Topics and speakers below are also subject to change.***

Click on session titles to see descriptions.

Sessions on Sep 07, 2024

07:00 AM

Livestream of STARRS Rally for Our Republic

07:00 AM - 03:00 PM
    Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier
    Executive Vice PresidentSTARRS
    Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier, former USAF/USSF is a military veteran, political and cultural thought leader, and author of the bestselling book Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military. He is currently working with independent film producers on a feature-length documentary that will come out in 2024. His book Irresistible Revolution was published in May 2021, at which time Matt was a respected active-duty commander in the newly formed US Space Force. The book’s primary aim was to invite senior military leaders to abandon the divisive politicization of the military workplace and to educate all members of the armed forces. For publishing and speaking about his book, then-Lieutenant Colonel Lohmeier was relieved of his command and subjected to an Inspector General investigation launched from the Pentagon. He subsequently joined the nation’s biggest media personalities to discuss the proliferation of Marxist-rooted Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the military and its divisive impact on our military. His watershed work shaped the nation’s dialogue about the United States military. Matt separated from active duty on September 1, 2021. Since then, he has been an outspoken critic of the discriminatory practices of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) industry and is a public speaker and consultant on Marxist ideology and tactics, CRT, military culture, and the principles of liberty. A 2006 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, Matt began his active-duty military career as a fighter pilot, flying over 1,200 hours in the T-38 as an instructor pilot followed by flying the F-15C. After flying, he cross-trained into space operations and worked in space-based missile warning. Matt promoted two years below-the-zone to lieutenant colonel, graduated at the top of his classes earning him the distinguished graduate (DG) award at four different Air Force schools, and served as aide-de-camp for a four-star general for one year. In October 2020, he transferred into the United States Space Force and was placed in command of our nation’s space-based missile warning. Matt has two master’s degrees—a master’s in military operational art and science, and a Master of Philosophy in military strategy from the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies (SAASS).
    Ann Atkinson
    Founder & CEOCare Property Investors
    Ann Atkinson is a free speech advocate, having experienced first-hand being censored for supporting the truth. She is an ASU graduate with a Bachelor of Science in finance from the W. P. Carey School of Business and honors from Barrett, The Honors College. She began her distinguished 17-year health care real estate investment career with an internship she completed as a student in Barrett. She is an entrepreneur, CEO and former public company executive. She served as the executive director of the T.W. Lewis Center for Personal Development at Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University.
    Timothy Sandefur
    Vice President for Legal AffairsGoldwater Institute
    Timothy Sandefur is the Vice President for Legal Affairs at the Goldwater Institute’s Scharf-Norton Center for Constitutional Litigation and holds the Duncan Chair in Constitutional Government. He litigates to promote economic liberty, private property rights, free speech, and other crucial values in states across the country. Timothy is the author of eight books, including most recently Freedom’s Furies: How Isabel Paterson, Rose Wilder Lane, and Ayn Rand Found Liberty in an Age of Darkness (2022), and Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man (2018), as well as more than 50 scholarly articles on subjects ranging from Indian law and antitrust to copyright law, the constitutional issues involved in the Civil War, and the political philosophy of Shakespeare, ancient Greek drama, and Star Trek. A frequent guest on radio and television, he is well known to radio audiences as “Tim the Lawyer” on The Armstrong & Getty Show, and his writings have appeared in Reason, National Review, The Weekly Standard, The Wall Street Journal, and The Objective Standard, where he is a contributing editor. He has taught classes at Pepperdine University, McGeorge School of Law, George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School, and Arizona State University, where he holds the 2023-24 Barry Goldwater Chair in American Institutions. He is an Adjunct Scholar with the Cato Institute and is a graduate of Hillsdale College and Chapman University School of Law.
    Kim Miller
    President and FounderArizona Women of Action
    Kim Miller is Founder and President of Arizona Women of Action (AZWOA), Women for Families & Freedom, and AZWAction PAC. Combined, they’re the largest and most effective conservative women’s network in Arizona with more than 23,000 subscribers and followers. Arizona Women of Action Empowers Women Locally to Protect Kids and Restore Schools. Kim Miller is a Phoenix mom of 5 and a grandmother. She’s lived in AZ almost all her life, has a journalism degree from University of Arizona, and spent five years in San Francisco with KRON-TV (NBC) before returning to Phoenix, working for KSAZ, now FOX10, as a sales executive. Kim quit working outside the home while raising children, serving in ministry and researching/teaching worldview and culture. She felt called to serve women and families in Arizona and started Arizona Women of Action in 2020. Whenever there’s time, she and her husband enjoy traveling and working on projects at their family’s cattle ranch near Flagstaff.
    Ray Semko
    The D*I*C*E
    Ray Semko, aka "The D*I*C*E Man" is a professional public speaker who is nationally known for his popular and motivating D*I*C*E briefings (Defensive Information to Counter Everything) which he has been providing to American audiences for over thirty years. He is well-known for energizing and re-charging people to wake up and take action. People leave his briefings renewed and motivated to live and work with honor and integrity. Semko has 39 years service to the US Government as a senior Counterintelligence Special Agent in the US Army and then in various Intelligence Community agencies, including NSA, DOE and the Department of Defense.
    09:00 AM

    Welcome remarks - Introduction to STARRS - WAKE UP

    09:00 AM - 09:25 AM
    09:25 AM

    What Happens When Women Wake Up: Women’s Power in Culture - WAKE UP!

    09:25 AM - 09:45 AM
      Kim Miller
      President and FounderArizona Women of Action
      Kim Miller is Founder and President of Arizona Women of Action (AZWOA), Women for Families & Freedom, and AZWAction PAC. Combined, they’re the largest and most effective conservative women’s network in Arizona with more than 23,000 subscribers and followers. Arizona Women of Action Empowers Women Locally to Protect Kids and Restore Schools. Kim Miller is a Phoenix mom of 5 and a grandmother. She’s lived in AZ almost all her life, has a journalism degree from University of Arizona, and spent five years in San Francisco with KRON-TV (NBC) before returning to Phoenix, working for KSAZ, now FOX10, as a sales executive. Kim quit working outside the home while raising children, serving in ministry and researching/teaching worldview and culture. She felt called to serve women and families in Arizona and started Arizona Women of Action in 2020. Whenever there’s time, she and her husband enjoy traveling and working on projects at their family’s cattle ranch near Flagstaff.
      09:45 AM

      Inside Higher Ed's Ideological Cartel: Insights from a Whistleblower - SPEAK UP!

      09:45 AM - 10:05 AM
        Ann Atkinson
        Founder & CEOCare Property Investors
        Ann Atkinson is a free speech advocate, having experienced first-hand being censored for supporting the truth. She is an ASU graduate with a Bachelor of Science in finance from the W. P. Carey School of Business and honors from Barrett, The Honors College. She began her distinguished 17-year health care real estate investment career with an internship she completed as a student in Barrett. She is an entrepreneur, CEO and former public company executive. She served as the executive director of the T.W. Lewis Center for Personal Development at Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University.
        10:05 AM

        Frederick Douglass and the American Dream - STAND UP!

        10:05 AM - 10:30 AM
          Timothy Sandefur
          Vice President for Legal AffairsGoldwater Institute
          Timothy Sandefur is the Vice President for Legal Affairs at the Goldwater Institute’s Scharf-Norton Center for Constitutional Litigation and holds the Duncan Chair in Constitutional Government. He litigates to promote economic liberty, private property rights, free speech, and other crucial values in states across the country. Timothy is the author of eight books, including most recently Freedom’s Furies: How Isabel Paterson, Rose Wilder Lane, and Ayn Rand Found Liberty in an Age of Darkness (2022), and Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man (2018), as well as more than 50 scholarly articles on subjects ranging from Indian law and antitrust to copyright law, the constitutional issues involved in the Civil War, and the political philosophy of Shakespeare, ancient Greek drama, and Star Trek. A frequent guest on radio and television, he is well known to radio audiences as “Tim the Lawyer” on The Armstrong & Getty Show, and his writings have appeared in Reason, National Review, The Weekly Standard, The Wall Street Journal, and The Objective Standard, where he is a contributing editor. He has taught classes at Pepperdine University, McGeorge School of Law, George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School, and Arizona State University, where he holds the 2023-24 Barry Goldwater Chair in American Institutions. He is an Adjunct Scholar with the Cato Institute and is a graduate of Hillsdale College and Chapman University School of Law.
          10:30 AM

          KEYNOTE: Against All Enemies

          10:30 AM - 11:20 AM
            Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier
            Executive Vice PresidentSTARRS
            Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier, former USAF/USSF is a military veteran, political and cultural thought leader, and author of the bestselling book Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military. He is currently working with independent film producers on a feature-length documentary that will come out in 2024. His book Irresistible Revolution was published in May 2021, at which time Matt was a respected active-duty commander in the newly formed US Space Force. The book’s primary aim was to invite senior military leaders to abandon the divisive politicization of the military workplace and to educate all members of the armed forces. For publishing and speaking about his book, then-Lieutenant Colonel Lohmeier was relieved of his command and subjected to an Inspector General investigation launched from the Pentagon. He subsequently joined the nation’s biggest media personalities to discuss the proliferation of Marxist-rooted Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the military and its divisive impact on our military. His watershed work shaped the nation’s dialogue about the United States military. Matt separated from active duty on September 1, 2021. Since then, he has been an outspoken critic of the discriminatory practices of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) industry and is a public speaker and consultant on Marxist ideology and tactics, CRT, military culture, and the principles of liberty. A 2006 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, Matt began his active-duty military career as a fighter pilot, flying over 1,200 hours in the T-38 as an instructor pilot followed by flying the F-15C. After flying, he cross-trained into space operations and worked in space-based missile warning. Matt promoted two years below-the-zone to lieutenant colonel, graduated at the top of his classes earning him the distinguished graduate (DG) award at four different Air Force schools, and served as aide-de-camp for a four-star general for one year. In October 2020, he transferred into the United States Space Force and was placed in command of our nation’s space-based missile warning. Matt has two master’s degrees—a master’s in military operational art and science, and a Master of Philosophy in military strategy from the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies (SAASS).
            11:20 AM


            11:20 AM - 12:00 AM
              Ray Semko
              The D*I*C*E
              Ray Semko, aka "The D*I*C*E Man" is a professional public speaker who is nationally known for his popular and motivating D*I*C*E briefings (Defensive Information to Counter Everything) which he has been providing to American audiences for over thirty years. He is well-known for energizing and re-charging people to wake up and take action. People leave his briefings renewed and motivated to live and work with honor and integrity. Semko has 39 years service to the US Government as a senior Counterintelligence Special Agent in the US Army and then in various Intelligence Community agencies, including NSA, DOE and the Department of Defense.

              Tickets & Sponsorship

              Sale ended

              General Admission - Saturday Rally Partial Approval - $30.00

              sales ended

              VIP Ticket: Friday VIP Dinner Buffet AND Saturday Rally Partial Approval - $130.00

              Admission to Saturday's Rally and also a special VIP Event 5:30 pm Friday night at the Cambria Hotel-North Scottsdale, where you can meet the speakers and STARRS leaders, buy books and get them signed, and enjoy a dinner buffet with drink tickets.

              Sale ended

              Online Saturday Rally Ticket - Virtual, attend from anywhere via livestream Partial Approval - $20.00

              sales ended

              Bronze Level Sponsor Partial Approval - $500.00

              1 Ticket to Friday night VIP and 1 for Saturday + name and/or logo in program. Your print collateral included in our registration packet.

              Sale ended

              Silver Level Sponsor Partial Approval - $1,000.00

              2 Tickets to Friday night VIP and 2 for Saturday + ¼ page ad in program. Your print collateral included in our registration packet.

              sales ended

              Gold Level Sponsor Partial Approval - $2,500.00

              4 Tickets to Friday night VIP and 4 for Saturday + ½ page ad in program. Your print collateral included in our registration packet.

              Sale ended

              Platinum Level Sponsor Partial Approval - $5,000.00

              Tickets to Friday night VIP and 6 for Saturday + Prime Position ad in program (choice of OBC, IBC, IFC). Your print collateral included in our registration packet.

              sales ended

              Titanium Level Sponsor Partial Approval - $10,000.00

              8 Tickets to Friday night VIP and 8 for Saturday + Prime Position ad in program (choice of OBC, IBC, IFC). Your print collateral included in our registration packet.

              Sale ended

              Make a Donation

              Sale ends on 09/07/2024

              Your generous donation helps support the mission of STARRS, including this special outreach event to educate the public. Thank you!

              Enter your discount code

              • Subtotal (excluding fees and discounts) $0.00
              • Fee$0.00
              • Total amount$0.00

              About Jack Swonson

              Sponsor Logo

              About Steve Wallingford

              Sponsor Logo

              About Valor Legacy Wealth

     Sponsor Logo

              About Eisenhart and Associates

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              About Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services (STARRS)

     Sponsor Logo

              About MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates

     Sponsor Logo

              About Calvert Task Group

     Sponsor Logo

              STARRS is a non-profit organization of American military veterans and citizens who Stand Together against the radical and divisive CRT/DEI/Woke agenda in the Pentagon, US military and its Service Academies, and seek to expose and eliminate this ideology in order to keep our country safe. For more information, go to our website, STARRS.US

              Contact the Organizer
