
Thursday, Jun 15, 2023 at 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM WEST

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Thursday, Jun 15, 2023 at 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM WEST

This training will be held virtually. You will receive your access link and details one week before the date of the training.

This detailed session discusses the purpose and importance of summarising. It explains how delegates can summarise effectively to ensure records are accurate, thereby providing a true reflection of each patient’s healthcare history. Good summarising reduces the need to access the patient’s paper records, reducing time and enabling the patient to receive the most appropriate level of care in a timely manner.


Learn the requirements for summarising medical records

Understand how summarising can help to achieve QOF targets

Gain an understanding of how confidentiality can become compromised during summarising

Appreciate the need for a structured approach to summarising

Learn why summarises must be trained appropriately for their role

Designed for
Any staff member involved in the summarising process.

South East London Workforce Development Hub
