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Saturday, Mar 17, 2018 at 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST
Apanas Coffee & Beer, 1007 S Congress Ave, Ste B11, Austin, TX, 78704, United States
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Apanas Coffee & Beer, 1007 S Congress Ave, Ste B11, Austin, TX, 78704, United States.
Join fellow music and photography fanatics for a scavenger hunt on South Congress Avenue. Every item found enters you in a raffle to win the grand prize - a Polaroid Originals OneStep 2 i-Type camera!
2:00pm Meet at Apanas Coffee & Beer
2:15pm Scavenging begins!
4:15pm Reconvene at Apanas Coffee & Beer to share photos and beverages.
Make sure you have an Instagram account. #SXSCAVENGER2018 #hollandphotoimaging
You may cancel at any time but please let us know if you can't make it. Thanks!
Holland Photo Imaging handles everything from vacation photos to restoration. We have your back from the shutter's click to the printed pic!
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